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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I'm in no way objecting to them celebrating. In normal times I couldn't have cared less and have done similar after big Saints success but it feels like a massive kick in the pie for everyone following the lockdown rules at this time. It is a kick in the pie but most of us would do the same if it was our side.
  2. What is it then ? That's exactly what it looks like to me. They're doing what most on here have been greeting about not being able to do for a year, enjoying themselves, not be long until we're all doing as we please if restrictions remain too tight for too long.
  3. One of those is happening behind closed doors unknown to the police, the other is being escorted through the streets by the police with roads being closed to facilitate it. A huge difference. Heavy-handedness would just have exacerbated it IMO, this isn't a few thousand folk making a look at me protest.
  4. Ah so mob rule is ok then. Just because there's a lot of them doesn't make it right. As I said before it's nothing new just mighty disappointing when the rest of us are subjected to massive restrictions. It's nowt to do with being OK but you'd be blaming the CC if there ended up 20000,30000 due to his actions, we'll have more to worry about transmission from all the inside gatherings today.
  5. You've lost me there ! You think today was akin to a house party ? That's just a small number of those celebrating tonight, show videos of police being heavy handed this afternoon and I've no doubt the numbers of those celebrating overtly would have swelled dramatically. Whether we like it or not, far more folk are interested in Rangers than BLM.
  6. Why the f**k will she condemn the CC's handling, anyone that doesn't think there's parties happening all over the West of Scotland is kidding themselves on, Nicola is a halfwit if she thinks Rangers fans will cease their festivities due to a club statement.
  7. Every 4 years, this will be the last shot at a YES majority for a considerable time period.
  8. Anyone got a number the old service crew?? Would you not be better tweet tweeting.
  9. At least we'll not need to worry about getting out any time soon.
  10. Crazy to think of San Somerset rocking when the Clyde? Result came through all those years ago.
  11. I remember them bringing a couple of hundred when they were seeking promotion.,obviously more Johnny Come Latelys now.
  12. I think the game's a bogey now, I'll still hold my nose and vote for her in the slight hope that I'm wrong.
  13. Have our brave nurses up here got their extra wage increase yet.
  14. A fatty can always lose weight, an ugly is ugly forever.
  15. Don't you mean they're taking the more responsible approach.
  16. All I ever hear is they're not in it for the cash whilst moaning about the cash, maybe if we restructured the black hole that is the NHS then more of the cash could find it's way into the bank accounts of those nearer the bottom of the food chain within the NHS.
  17. Folk need to suck it up if they lose out due to their own ways of dealing with tax, unfortunately too many genuinely feel it's their right to have their cake and eat it.
  18. I can accept that, whenever I've looked to lose weight I'd eat 1200/1400 calories a day and even with exercise the weight loss slows to halt fairly quickly.
  19. They're doing fine, plenty are still worrying about how they're getting through this shitshow.
  20. Stop propagating the myth that healthy meals are more expensive, load of shite for a large chunk of the population. Local shops would stock fruit and veg if folk purchased it. Stop building games halls etc then pricing locals out of the equation. Stick how much excerise would be needed to burn off the calorie intake of foodstuffs on every label. There's loads that could be done but there's not the will from decision makers.
  21. I'd far rather we pumped as much as we can into making money than throw it into areas that make us nowt. Getting more cash off the tax avoiders wouldn't go wrong either.
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