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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. All I heard from Shapps was that you can do what you want in England now.
  2. He was basically saying, if you were solely an armchair fan, Ayr wouldn't be your club of choice, I agree wholeheartedly.
  3. What do you mean likely nonsense, I'd like to think someone' furlough payments would be removed if they signed off on that.
  4. Correct. Or I could be in talks to sign for another championship club and turn down your shitey 1 month deal. That's a personal choice of one player, I'd be fucking embarrassed if Ayr took the same decision so easily, no surprise right enough as Dunfermline have been acting like c***s for a fair number of years now.
  5. What happens after that month? I'm sure you'd rather get a % of a months wage than nothing.
  6. I'm not really into this full time clubs are more important bullshit, there are quite a few full time clubs that deserve whatever comes their way during this crisis, I'm give more kudos to small well run diddier diddy clubs than I do the perennial over spenders of other people's cash.
  7. At your age I'd advise caution regardless of what the numbers say in the short term, we still don't know enough about it yet, I do think everyone is going to have their own 'f**k it I can't go on like this' moment at some point down the line and it will have nowt to do with Boris or Nicola at that point.
  8. Could be but up to now, fingers crossed, it appears to be.
  9. I would tend to think Sturgeon is trying to avoid further mistakes that cost lives rather than playing to the gallery, yes it'll be a bit of a pain in the tits running weeks behind England if all goes well but I can live with it.
  10. That's a bit of a salty comment. I leave the saucy stuff to Albert.
  11. She's not speaking to the hard of thought any way, which countries aren't living under a new normal at the moment?
  12. No mention of condiments, she's a disgrace.
  13. Jacksgranda must be a bag of bones by now.
  14. A fair chunk of those vulnerable folk will have had to endure similar during and after WWII, hopefully they didn't moan half as much back in the day.
  15. We were not set up for herd immunity, this whole episode has just highlighted the ineptitude of those at the top of the tree in UK.
  16. Most under 30's would be delighted to have a hairline like mine, too thick for styles without products right enough.
  17. I've never tugged my forelock in my life.
  18. I'm talking about those on here moaning like f**k from day 1.
  19. We will see, I'm far from convinced the majority of the UK population will suddenly stop following govt instruction, we ain't exactly known for mass anarchy !!! More like a flock of sheep.
  20. I can't see us living without some sort of restrictions for the remainder of the year, while that's not a long while to most folks it's obviously an inordinate length of time to those that have bitched and whined their way through this so far.
  21. I'm not bothered either way, I'm not in here whining like a fandan every other day about the imposition of the lockdown, football in front of large crowds, drinking in rammed pubs and eating in rammed restaurants are all quite a while away. Tory governments don't extend the time period for throwing cash away for no reason.
  22. I never said it was about the virus, they could have piled the bodies up on the street and you'd still have moaned and whined about the lockdown, you'd better get used to this as it ain't going back to normal for a long while.
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