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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I'm expecting Gazza to be along shortly now that KFC have reopened.
  2. I've been reading articles about how the number of new care homes with outbreaks in England has plunged, how can England be doing so well in care homes whilst it's there that's driving increases, counterintuitive to me. Just don't understand how 0.66% of the population can have that much impact on the overall number.
  3. I'm hoping the continent is wrong as it puts deaths up nearer 0.75% of infections, was hoping it was 1/2 to 1/3 of that.
  4. You're looking at it wrongly, we're wanting 1 in 4 to have it/have had it, standing in Somerset seeing 300/400 who've already had it is the positive not the negative, ie nearer the finishing line.
  5. OK so long as they put their heads back above the parapet if it all goes Pete tong.
  6. Boris deserves the pelters for his continual Vicky Pollard tribute act, I'm not even convinced he knows what he means at times.
  7. Folk will do anything for a free Fray Bentos and corned beef.
  8. We might as well give England 10 or 12 days of a start on easing measures now, makes a change from us being the guinea pigs. We'll either be cursing for losing 10 or 12 days on them or mightily relieved we didn't ease restriction in unison, 10 or 12 days is not long for most.
  9. We can only skirt about the edges whilst our funding comes from Westminster, be great if all 4 nations could go their separate ways on this if they wished but they can't.
  10. It's too political in UK and Scotland for that, we already had Carlaw making political capital out of the care home situation using very understated UK numbers as back up.
  11. We'll be left to decide for ourselves what risks we're willing to take if no vaccine is imminent, don't think the social distancing will totally disappear for a while either way.
  12. All that totally ignores what would have happened without the lockdown measures, in my area 7 or 8 ICU beds were occupied out of 11 in hospitals, what would have happened if we had left it until 15 or 20 needed those beds just for covid 19, that would have been disastrous. Without being too political about it, we were not set up for a full blown herd immunity approach in Scotland and our method of funding pretty much tied Sturgeon' hands to a fair degree.
  13. You're the one taking figures for a few weeks and spreading them over a year. What number of excess deaths per day is acceptable to you in a UK or Scotland only context without spreading them out over a year or whichever time unit you require to make it look small?
  14. I think it was watching 1500 extra deaths a day even with a lockdown that caused a reaction.
  15. Sweden look to be down to minimal daily deaths now.
  16. It's not just the media, I wouldn't trust the SAGE experts and similar as far as I can throw them after watching them misleading the public on a daily basis during the briefings.
  17. Unfortunately our politicians don't carry enough trust to change tack too much now, we've reacted at every turn without even a hint of proactiveness, unfortunately all 4 nations were tied at the hip until the point that it was no longer sensible to do much different.
  18. I think it would have been carnage if Boris hadn't mentioned social distancing measures on 15th March followed by lockdown a week later, it's easy to sit back and take you're blinkered view now, Scotland had 300 ICU beds at the start, another fortnight or so without intervention would have saw the NHS swamped IMO.
  19. Big business doesn't get penalised and they're the real culprits in this union.
  20. I think that'll be the outlook of most in your situation, disappointing but understandable state of affairs for those penalised whilst trying to do the right thing.
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