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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. The teaboy over at Flashscores seems to have a handle on it, it's beyond me why those drawing a wage from the game up here can't grasp that it's 2 entirely different leagues after round 33, it really isn't rocket science.
  2. Sounds ok to me, hopefully the food and drink prices go up nearer the other Championship sides as well.
  3. Doesn't mean the whole season was great, if the whole season was great far more of the less regular fanbase would have hung around, after November it was pretty much same old same old to those that hadn't frequented Somerset regularly over recent years, for the rest it was exciting because we'd been that shite for so long, I'm certainly not looking to head back to whence we came.
  4. Just to let you know, the great time finished on Saturday afternoon, atm we're now back to aiming for 8th, if McCall or someone else is here with a budget to compete with the rest then the great times will resume, until then we're in the same position as Morton and all the other diddies, we really need to stop this nonsense about it being a great season, it wasn't, it was a great 1/4 of a season followed by an ok 3/4 of a season.
  5. We do but we also know our ground will soon be surrounded by houses.
  6. Why is anyone surprised, the question needs asked, we've bumbled along for 15 years and this season has just reignited the appetite of quite a few fans.
  7. Has McCall secured his title chasing budget yet? Thought we'd have heard something squad related today.
  8. It's a shite idea but if that's what's required, so be it. Caley made it easy yesterday, some places don't.
  9. tbf to Farage, he quite rightly asks for representation due to the proven inability of the governing party to get Brexit over the line, why the f**k we've got a party aiming for Brexit with a REMAIN supporting leader is beyond me.
  10. Marr now flapping like f**k, dredging up shite that means nowt in this debate as the establishment is getting thrashed by Farage.
  11. Too right, Farage & Co haven't even started yet, if May's deal or NO deal doesn't happen soon both the main parties are getting splattered, happy days.
  12. She was organised enough to shift the cash into accounts that she could use as she pleased.
  13. I never bothered about the misses(might moan at the time through frustration), that comes with confidence, his problem was that while he was taking up very good positions in the box, Devlin & co were just kicking the ball into the box with not the slightest attempt at finding Nisbet or any other player in an Ayr shirt.
  14. My memory might be letting me down but I can't recall anyone other than myself rating the boy the last time.
  15. You're not obligated to take time off due to a sick line. You'll get plenty of advice on here from plenty who've been through similar but I'd be surprised if most don't encourage you to speak to a professional and/or make steps to help with your alcohol consumption and the underlying issues pertaining to said consumption, good luck.
  16. Nah, then I'd be crediting folk from Greenock with a modicum of intelligence, reading parts of this thread renders that as fanciful.
  17. Just out after sitting for 3 ours waiting for selection and getting sent home(boring as f**k), phone again after 6 tonight, hope hospitality has a good reception as I'm having a few sherbets in me before I watch Super Ayr.
  18. I think most of those elected have forgotten why they were elected.
  19. Aye, AJ's went from figthing the guy from the Dog & Duck to fighting the guy that mouths off over the shoulder of the guy from the Dog & Duck. No doubt we'll get to hear such gems as "he's a credible opponent", "he's dangerous", "I'm going to shock the world" blah blah blah.
  20. Why would McCall leave due to the support, I've certainly not heard much negativity directed towards him at games since he joined and there really hasn't been lots of super duper football played at Somerset during his tenure.
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