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Everything posted by young_bairn

  1. Guardians 2. 9/10. Loved it. Had good laughs and some serious feels. Story was good but surprised it didn't overlap into the other Marvel characters universe at this stage.
  2. We were in the same position. In-laws retired who love dogs so plan holidays around their availability to look after Maggie. We have recently moved 2 hours away from them however so have to rely on a dog walker for when my Mrs is working. I work shifts so only have the walker around 8 times a month. We don't have kids so not got that problem. Having a dog is fucking magic.
  3. This popped up on my twitter feed. Heard the name but never watched anything he does. Just seems like a racist dick.
  4. Spent way too much time on Destiny 1. Played from day one. So yeah a fair bit. Agree the D1 story was one of the main criticisms. The main problem was for some reason bungie/activision decided to put a lot of the background story in lore cards which you collected in game then had to read online. Even then it was pretty incomprehensible. Luckily there were plenty of geeks on you tube who pieced it all together. It did improve with the DLC's however which were well received. The story in D2 is pretty linear good vs evil stuff but they have pulled in the same 'baddies' as the first one so some background reading/watching would probably be best if you're thinking about playing D2. That being said one of Destiny's strong points is the way the game plays. That with great PVP and the weekly Strike/Nightfalls/Raids there is plenty to do past the story missions. If you like the RPG elements of grinding weekly for gear then it's worth picking up just for that. Hit me up if you buy it on PS4 PSN: young_bairn
  5. Cracking dogs although a bit clingy. Well at least mine is [emoji16]
  6. Destiny 2 is out. Anybody involved. Only had around 6 hours play and so far so good. Still on the story and did some crucible.
  7. Houston is a dinosaur. Can't wait until he retires.
  8. Sheps FFS that boy is special. Future Scotland star...
  9. Maggie digging holes at St Cyrus yesterday [emoji41]
  10. Just need to give Houston some anti-depressants and we could be onto something.
  11. Finally a bit of positivity. Lovely signing.
  12. Sicario 7/10 Finally got round to watching this. Decent movie which had a good sense of realism to it. Some tense scenes, would recommend.
  13. Classic performances from Denzel and Ethan. Love how.this movie made me feel really uncomfortable.
  14. I know these living there probably don't have a choice but f**k living in a tower block. A few reports saying the superficial cladding recently installed to the outside of the building helped spread the fire quickly.....
  15. Oh where to start. I'll start with lids. Not one lid is ever put back on correctly ever. Milk, juice, toothpaste, gin etc.
  16. young_bairn

    Twin Peaks

    I genuinely have no clue what to make of episodes 1 and 2.
  17. Watched zulu for the first time today. 8/10. Yes it's dated but looked spectacular considering. Only the hammy death acting let it down.
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