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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. Loyalty? You lot TUPE'd across as fast as you could to the new club/company.
  2. Ach, on Friday night I had him furiously googling a Jewish school in Dublin with regards Jon Daly, and tonight furiously googling a non entity of a team in Norfolk. A satisfactory weekend
  3. And your Uefa email.......again and again I have to keep pointing out to you that it contains the club is no longer the same in a legal form.
  4. Tedi....precedents... Kings Lynn went bust owing tax. Liquidated. Still keep the nickname they had, added "town" to their name and are working back through the leagues whilst laying claim to their history.. Any differences?
  5. Liam, he's just reaming it from a much adored thread on the swamp, which is all "what to do if Timmy says this"... tedster is only following orders and not debating. And Uefa might update their webpage after Chucky called platini a jakeball and suggested getting round him by giving him a drink or twelve....
  6. Ahum..... Incase it was lost in all the classical/hippyish vids on the last page, the latest charlottefakes is quite entertaining. Calling Platini a lush, and suggesting buying him a few drinks isn't the best way for a new club to gain brownie points imo.......
  7. 5lives Fighting Talk. Tonights end of season live show ended with Bob Mills having to "defend the indefensible" for 20 seconds, and his statement to defend was "give me 20 minutes and I could turn Claire Balding" Epic stuff from Mills
  8. 237 replies in 5 hours on the swamp.......the obsession seems to be yours.......
  9. Never gonna happen, and there is the "obsession" which drove the old club to death....
  10. Cheers to manila for listing the resumés for Walter and his Celtic counterpart.... I see in an interview, Walter said he thought he was the only person prepared to take the post on. If your company is in perpetual crisis, surely you would want someone with half a scooby, but no, they go for someone to get the cash in to keep the circus barely ticking over. De fecking lighted
  11. The one in the middle ..... They say girls grow to look like their mum......hope its soon.... Current pic of her mum.
  12. The king piggy on the white horse has to be one of the most amateurish shops I have ever seen.
  13. There is one pretty one out the lot, the rest is over priced cosmetics and badly advised surgery.
  14. Jeebus, rangers babes from orctalk..... Whatever happened to the original crazy catwoman ? Bogtrotters. She was insane. Banned three ? times from here and more from RM , must be up to 8 kids at 24 by now. The threads with her were gold, both here and there.
  15. For £340 at The International Rangers shop, you could have got the real Leggo... off to the Savile thread with you !
  16. I would have been delighted if he had been given any power. A hands on Walter is what that that ship called Dignity needs. One bear in the swamp has saw the light. He's probably banned by now....
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