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Posts posted by distresseduke

  1. The first step to being helped is admitting you've got a problem, well done on completing step 1.

    Step 2 is going cold turkey for 6 months and not posting on anything Livi. There's a support group on this number if you're struggling; 0131 221 9999.

    Feel free to mock people who are pointing out the obvious & we will feel free to laugh at your next inevitable tailspin. Until you go part time livingston will never be viable...indisputable fact. Your crowds are laughable for a full time team

  2. Fingers crossed....

    As a keeper, I'd rather play against him than have him between our sticks

    Yep I'd agree with that just go with long throw ins that bounce 5 yards in front of him...creates merry hell in your defence when your goalie is glued to his line..decent shotstopper but that's it ...hertz knew what they were doing getting shot

  3. Agreed, Cooper has shown glimpses of something. I wouldn't be sad if he hung around for another season to see if he can start to make a proper impact.

    Smith I feel sorry for because he has tried hard in games, but the quality really isn't there. It doesn't justify some of the abuse he has had from some folk but it does justify us not wasting anymore time on him.

    If I was cooper I would be putting in a transfer request based solely on the fact that a waste of space like smith started on the Left in the cup final.....just don't get houstons thinking there..hopeless on the right so he plays in front of a left footed cooper on the left...crazy

  4. Just ask for consistent treatment for the same offence

    Livi - Signing embargo

    The Rangers - £7,500 fine

    Make up your own mind

    Instead of blaming everyone else why not face some simple facts. There is clearly no appetite for a full time team in livingston so why not come up with a business plan to become a successful part time team like loads of others in Scotland ...why bring charlatan after consortium after charlatan to chase something that has been proved totally impossible ....you have around 1000 fans at best accept it & start dealing with reality

  5. I spotted the deluded Falkirk fan about Willie Collum. It made me think that I cannot remember a single decision that he got wrong. Only a Fakirk fan would have thought the handball on the edge of the box was a foul, and the foul for the red card was denying a goalscoring opportunity, so that meant that it was a red card. After all of the deserved stick that Collum has taken this season, we should give him credit for a superb display.

    What did joey say...does anyone really know?

  6. Can't wait to see DistressedDuke's pished rants on here tonight. Cannotfuckingwait.

    We contributed hugely to our own downfall with grant failing to take the guy out & McDonald patting it to him...caley were better first half & us second...while I'm disappointed to lose at least we tried to win the game in the 2nd half...David smith is fucking terrible.....that pishedranting enough for you?

  7. Yogi was our best manager in the modern era ...much more successful than Jeffries so far that I will always appreciate him...there is no doubt his last two seasons were disappointing but any falkirk managers remit is to keep the club in the top division ..which he achieved...shame there was a less than amicable parting of the ways

  8. Totally agree.

    I said before the quarter final that given the choice, I'd have taken victory in that tie over pipping Falkirk to a play-off spot.

    The way that whole occasion fell flat due to a combination of its timing, the small crowd, the conditions and chiefly of course, our poor performance, meant it was a big let down.

    In some ways, it raised the stakes for the League as the other exciting path had been closed.

    Missing out on both will be sore, should it happen.

    Actually watched the cup game again tonight ....till the wife switched it off ...hideous game nothing in it but no matter what Houston said sibbald meant that header....Palmerston is a traditional scottish ground like brockville shame we lost ours

  9. Mark millar is playing at being a footballer total waste of a talented player he looks a good stone overweight from them highlights ....needs to get a grip cause there is a great central midfielder in there somewhere....chris mitchill as well never really got a proper chance with us apart from the famous goal it's a shame cause his career has been destroyed by injuries

  10. We're not overachieving.

    Where we are, is about right, and is in the same area as we've occupied for most of the last dozen years.

    Of course there's no deep seated rivalry. We just seem to find ourselves in direct competition a lot these days. I wouldn't claim that the clubs are of similar size, but then the notion of club size doesn't fixate me in the way it seems to for some of the Falkirk fans on here.

    Whether you like it or not queens at the top end of Scotland's second tier is overachieving for a club of your size/support/tradition/honours won.....massively overachieving in fact....much bigger clubs than queens like Dunfermline & morton are currently underachieving.

  11. Would be absolutely stunned If elvis joined a part time club .... I don't think his ego would let him . Trust me you don't want him anyway he's frightened of his own shadow in footballing terms & always sets up not to lose..then tells you after the match how amazing you were.

  12. I like that response !

    Off to Zambia by the way! Not South America!


    Easy win against utter diddies ... Queens although generally thought of as a seaside league team have tried to use two seasons of relative success to build up some weird rivalry....you need to accept your rivals are fellow diddies you will never be a rival to a team with more than double your support
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