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Glen Sannox

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Everything posted by Glen Sannox

  1. You are beyond tedious, and you keep interrupting me. I’m trying to watch the women’s football. It’s 8-3 for Doncaster Belles after 15 minutes. You should tune in, it’s a cracking game. A really good standard.
  2. You are joyless, and beyond weird. Good luck in life.
  3. Very good cars, just driven by a certain “type”. I’m quite happy with my mintmobile, I’m sure you’ll agree, she’s a beaut!!
  4. I’m an optimist, albeit one that carries an umbrella. Scots for the most part are “glass half empty” people, it’s in their make up.
  5. That’s a very salient post. If Scotland was run by a centre/right party, I wouldn’t be adverse to going it alone. But that is never going to happen. It will always be failed councillors, trade unionists, career civil servants etc at the helm. And I’m afraid, that’s not for me.
  6. It’s not surprising to me, most Scots find it very convenient to blame Tories for any of their woes. It’s an easy target. Is it surprising to you that most No supporters don’t like the SNP, and want nothing to do with them?
  7. Why do yes voters always make it about the Tories?
  8. Where did one say he was a political genius? We could always get the SNP poster boy, Derek McKay to look after the purse strings. Oh wait, he’s too busy trying to groom boys.
  9. We’ve got this rabble instead, so I’ll stick to the status quo thank you.
  10. I didn’t suggest for one minute that it had. That said, Sunak has more talent in his little finger than the entire SNP has.
  11. They are eager to keep us for our resources, especially water, I would imagine. That, and not wanting to get embroiled in a messy divorce off the back of the EU messy divorce. Whilst acknowledging this, I still don’t think it’s a good enough reason to go it alone. The lack of political talent in Scotland is breathtaking and I genuinely believe that they are not capable of running a country.
  12. What are the chances of Edinburgh going down a tier? Missing the pub something terrible!
  13. Did she manage to put three words together? Speaks volumes that the Nat rage is aimed at Robertson and not the ex communist inadequate, that is Freelunch. Yet you wonder why people don’t vote for an Indy Scotland. Thankfully it’s on a football forum and not in “real life”.
  14. It’s worth remembering that, on P&B, “normalisation of the right” applies to anyone who doesn’t vote for Scottish Independence.
  15. Fantastic news. Even more nut jobs peddling separatist lunacy. Please keep it coming.
  16. Like the people that vote for these absolute loonballs don’t have something wrong with them.
  17. Once they lost talent like Margaret Ferrier, it was always going to go downhill. Tragic to see.
  18. That, and not having the misfortune of living in Forfar.
  19. SNP minters imploding, keep it coming. And all this, before “poor man’s Bond villain” Salmond, has wreaked his havoc!! Popcorn central, GIRFUY.
  20. As opposed to the post industrial, god forsaken, wastelands where the wastrel denizens think that minter/gammon banter, is somehow amusing.
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