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Glen Sannox

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Everything posted by Glen Sannox

  1. She's all these things yet Indy is dead in the water. She might want to try being other things.
  2. That much of a failure that she's won her seat back.
  3. You'll not fit in well here my friend. It's just the new breed of Timmy scaffs that get along here. They seem to know an awful lot about Celtic's dubious history and very little about ours and the disdain real Hibs fans have for Celtic. It's a Declan, Sean, Kevin, Michael and Liam love fest.
  4. Oh bless, how very Celtic of you!! It must be some sort of Neil Lennon effect! All these so called Hibs fans morphing into Celtic fans. Its beyond tragic. And you'll be the ones who have the nerve to call Hearts fans diet h***
  5. Celtic couldn't sit by and allow an injustice!!! You are obviously new to the game! Celtic are greedy scaff bigots. They wouldn't know right from wrong. This new breed of diet Tim, I wouldn't let them anywhere near Easter Road! A disgrace to our club.
  6. That's not even remotely how it happened, unless of course you read Hibs.net or tabloids.
  7. Indy is dead in the water! Which is pleasing and it might give us some much needed stability. Also pleasing was watching Robertson, Salmond, Taz, Moanathon and Nicholson getting hunted. But none of that is as pleasing as the anti Unionist seethe on here from the delusional separatists!
  8. Why? Scott Allan was one of the best midfielders that I've seen at Easter Road. He's also a cracking guy! Oh wait! He's a Rangers fan, and we wouldn't want to upset this burgeoning Celtic love in, would we?
  9. They appear to be the scaff party. Just like the SNP are the scaff party over here. Hoi Polloi drones and bigots.
  10. All we need now is an intelligent separatist poster. The law of averages would indicate that there must be one out there.
  11. Irvine Welsh, Dougie Vipond and Chris Hoy....they just reek of Scottish cringe.
  12. Just voted in the Murrayfield/Corstorphine ward where the SNP candidate Frank Ross is the guy who forgot that he owned a hotel!!
  13. That said Fide, he'll never be as tragic and unfunny as you.
  14. Oh dear, if only we had listened to Geldof, oddball Fide, Izzard the Kinnocks and the Blairs!!
  15. To be fair, you are always going to get utter loonballs like Fide, but at least you're prepared to be pragmatic enough to look beyond that. Well done you.
  16. Just blame the English. It's always their fault. I mean it's not as if it could possibly be the fault of the SNP, left wing wastrels that are meant to be running Scotland.
  17. "Creating the infrastructure of civil service"!! There in lies the problem. We already have a burgeoning public sector, we don't make anything anymore. You can't build a country on Civil Servants.
  18. Sounds like something from Owen Jones's timeline.
  19. I know, it's amazing. Just think they could be sane and rational like this lot.
  20. Fide making a James of himself, who would have thought?
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