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Everything posted by expatowner

  1. That's cheered me up no end! It doesn't just happen to me then. Honestly my putting is honking and really holds me back.
  2. I want 4 huge, mentally challenged highlanders in defense next year. If one or two of them had a conviction or two that would be even better. Our goals against total was far too high.
  3. Well done, sounds like you have turned a corner. Keep it up.
  4. We won the play-off 4.5 to 3.5 to get promoted! I halved my match after having been 1 up for most of the way round. In truth me and my opponent didn’t play great golf but had a ding-dong slug fest over the last 4 holes.
  5. This season I have been playing in a "Pennants" competition, representing my club Chamberlain Park, eight players from each club play each week. There are 7 divisions and we were competing in the fourth (called Captains), which is a "no-handicap - play off-the-stick" type arrangement. We've done really well and are top after all the round-robin games. I've been picked in all the rounds to play at No 8 and have been lucky to win 5, half 1 and lose 1. Play-offs: Second placed Windross beat third placed Pakuranga to play us in this Sundays final to see who gets promoted. My knees are knocking already at the thought of the first tee on Sunday. Wish us luck!
  6. Over the years I’ve read plenty of news articles and watched various TV shows about Madeleine and her parents. I’ve just watched the eight episodes on Netflix and it seems to me that the main options of what happened to her boil down to: Taken by an organised “trafficking” group Taken by a “lone-wolf” type person Wandered off by herself Killed and disposed of by her parents What seems clear is the Portuguese Police assigned to the case were out of their depth and the clashes between them and the McCanns, and them and the press, and them and the British Police, were just symptoms of their inexperience and approach. Chief Amaral was the leading Police “face” to head up their inadequate enquiries. Human Trafficking: It’s a huge problem world-wide. Throughout the world authorities (Govt agencies etc) come up against these gangs and currently the gangs and their dark webs have the advantage. The Kennedy bankrolled Private Investigators hired by the McCanns didn’t / couldn’t make much headway / drew blanks. With hindsight, the parental “posse” approach of regularly inspecting the kids every 20-30 mins or so, coming and going from the restaurant into an unlocked flat wasn’t great. If they had been doing that at the same meal time for a couple of days then potential abductors were given the perfect windows of opportunity within which to strike. The restaurant booking system (seemingly available for anybody to read) identified that the children in the McCann group were not in the crèche but in their apartments. Again not great. There was a sighting of Maddie with an adult within a couple of days, at a petrol station, that seemed quite significant. Lone-wolf (Robert Murat types): Robert, probably through his estate agency dealings, would have known of abandoned properties and the Police wouldn’t have searched them all. Police did search his house a number of times albeit a bit too late. The Police were slow to investigate Robert (initially he helped them as a translator) but his UK court case absolved him of all the muck thrown by the press. If not Robert then perhaps there was another lone-wolf involved. Wandering Child: Maddie could have woken up and tried to find her parents, with the door open she could have taken a wrong turning and wandered off down the beach and drowned? All the scrub areas that the aerial footage showed seemed to have been swept by searches. Although unlikely, the Netflix series didn’t seem to touch on the possibility of a wandering child, other than one reference to lots of dogs down the beach. It’s the parent(s) wot did it?: The speed of the McCanns in contacting the police when Maddie was identified as missing makes much of the allegations against Kate and Gerry appear simply ridiculous. In my opinion they had no time to either conceal or move a body. The Portuguese Police seemed fixated that either Kate or Gerry had over-drugged their daughter and she died. They had no proof of this. There was inadequate DNA from the samples found in the flat and car. Much was made of the blood and cadaver dogs but to many people they are not infallible or definitive. Dogs merely assist the police to ask the pertinent questions / refines their focus. I certainly question if the cadaver dogs can detect such a recently deceased body. The blood dogs smell blood – this does not mean anybody was murdered or assist with who did the murdering. For me Kate and Gerry are completely innocent.
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