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Everything posted by peasy23

  1. From Twitter late last night... “@TheCricketerMag: Late ECB email lands inviting press to Lord's for a media conference with Hugh Morris, followed by one with Giles Clarke in Derby. Curious.” Strauss looked stressed out of his nut by the time the test series was done, and it probably had more to do with the KP carry on than the actual matches. IMO it can only be one of two things, either Strauss is giving up the captaincy or they are announcing very early that KP will not be having his contract renewed.
  2. Looks like I've put the hex on him, hit 3 or 4 poor shots in the last few holes. On a brighter note, Tigger is having a mare.
  3. Nice to see Sergio driving well, holing monster putts, fist pumping, and even almost cracking a smile.
  4. Sky Sports were using the Kiwi commentary with Justin Marshall summarising, he was scratching his head trying to figure out why the Aussies thought this was the right tactic. What was the Aussie view of the ref? I thought Owens gave a few borderline decisions to the All Blacks. There was one in particular in the run up to Genia being sin binned where I thought the Kiwis shoud have been penalised for holding on.
  5. The Aussies kicked some amount of ball away this morning, every time they got a winger on the move they tried to dink it down the line and it never worked. They did defend well for most of the game, but gave away a load of penalties and their set pieces were very shaky.
  6. Argentina 16 South Africa 16, Pumas ahead and in control for most of the game, Boks a bit fortunate to get a draw.
  7. All Blacks beat Australia 22-0, first time the Aussies have drawn a blank against NZ for 50 years.
  8. I listened to the woman who was formerly head of the British anti doping agency on BBC, she thinks there is a long way to go yet before he is actually stripped of anything.
  9. Stalingrad by Antony Beevor. Brilliant read, stomach churning in parts when you read about the suffering endured by all the combatants but especially the numbers on both sides who died due to starvation and disease.
  10. Do the USADA actually have the authority to strip him of anything? Thought that would have to come from the UCI or Le Tour itself?
  11. That may be true, but there is no "I" in team, but there is a "u" in c**t. No matter how good he is, it's a team game and he has to be willing to fit into that team. He's currently 34 from 32 balls at the Oval. Edit: He was looking good until Simon Jones ripped out his off stump with a corker of a ball. Emotional day at the Oval with Tom Maynard's two former counties playing each other for the first time since his death, with both sides wearing his former squad numbers.
  12. Game over, Philander is an absolute demon with the new ball.
  13. And Prior is out then back in again as it turns out to be a no ball. Still need 62 from 24 overs.
  14. Daft run out again by England, Swann this time walking in. Could be game over now as the new ball is due in 8 balls time.
  15. Watched it last night, what a bobble that putt took about 18 inches from the hole. Lord knows what he was thinking when he pulled the driver out on the extra hole.
  16. Prior and Swann now taking the game to the Saffers, 52 runs from the last 7 overs, new ball can't come quickly enough for them now. England need 73 from 26 overs.
  17. Lively knock by Bairstow earlier on and now from Broad (36 from 38 balls) has kept England in with an outside chance, now 199-6 with 38 overs left to play today. New ball due in 15 overs time, which the Saffers will be dying for.
  18. England now 45-4 after Trott and Taylor conspire to bring about an absolutely ridiculous run out.
  19. Can't see anything other than a South African win now, some terrific bowling from them there in that opening spell.
  20. That's a real twisted logic for ignoring what you have been training for, i.e. to give one of the fasted sprinters in the world in Greipel a shot at a medal. Quite sad tbh that a team's hatred for another had more bearing on their tactics than trying to do what they were supposedly there for.
  21. Can't fathom why the Germans sat back and left GB to it, if it had come down to a sprint Greipel would have been a cert to medal IMO. I could have understood it if the Germans had a rider in the breakaway, but afaik they didn't.
  22. Have to compliment Glasgow libraries, they have an iPhone app and I used it yesterday morning to order two books, which are now in my local library to be picked up. GCC rightly get pelters for many things, but in my experience the libraries are superb.
  23. Your senses are wrong... England 240 all out, a proper humping.
  24. If you haven't already, read Stephen Ambrose's D-Day book, also a good read. I'll need to get Beevor's Stalingrad and Berlin books ordered up at the library.
  25. A great day for South African sportsmen playing in England, unless of course you are a South African sportsman playing FOR England....
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