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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. In that neither of them were at Hillsborough?
  2. Charlotte's a reluctant face which is a decent new direction to take her in.
  3. Salmond supported Syria action when it was convenient for him to do so.
  4. That was brutal. Telling him how to feel about his own da's death.
  5. All liberals will enter the McDonnell Gulags regardless.
  6. Tbf Farron is just better at hiding his homophobia (click on the date in the tweet) And I think part of the reason why this is dragging on is because Lib Dems keep insisting that his own private views don't affect his politics when in fact they clearly do. Say what you want about Nick Clegg, and I have, but he doesn't have the same view on gay people that Alex Jones does. Also Farron resigned from the Lib Dem front bench in 2008 because they were against holding an EU referendum. He's a risible, opportunistic tosser.
  7. Ah, okay. My apologies! Just mind SLab doing the same up here.
  8. Forgive me if I'm wrong but was it not Slab that voted against an amendment?
  9. More oaksoft but at the same time I don't think anyone on here is downplaying the issue. More that anyone who thinks UKIP have the interests of young women of colour at heart here is at the very kindest a fucking imbecile.
  10. Aye of course we should examine the words written on a bit of paper and completely ignore all the context surrounding it. Fucking hell.
  11. Noticed a lot of the people who have a particularly keen interest in "Muslim grooming gangs" also spend a lot of their free time putting the blame on Adam Johnson's conviction on his victim.
  12. I was scrolling through Twitter earlier and saw someone call JK Rowling the greatest writer of our generation. Turns out it was our very own@jmothecat.
  13. At least Gincardine's drunk posting is entertaining.
  14. Enjoying Louise Mensch labelling anyone and everyone as a Putin shill. Scenes when it comes out she's funded by the Kremlin.
  15. Those pigfucking nonces down south make my skin crawl, man. Can't fathom voting for these creeps.
  16. Sorry, mate. I only had one chance. He's not reading it again.
  17. Read the quote, read the words "by that logic" then read the rest of what I wrote.
  18. By that logic it only means about one third of the electorate are happy with their lot since the Tories only poll about 37%.
  19. Especially when we could just ask for your memories of the war, grandad.
  20. I will try and find some of the literature on the Korean War and the devastation the US willingly inflicted on the peninsula. Gives a greater understanding of the hatred felt by Koreans, particularly in the North, towards the United States. They destroyed Korea.
  21. You're all taking the piss, right? I'm going to watch Smackdown and Harper gets his moment.
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