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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Well I don't think he would threaten to withhold intelligence briefings, brag about leaving with no deal and would make the rights of EU nationals and a more cooperative negotiation process his top priority rather than a futile appeal to Rule Britannia types.
  2. Arm John McDonnell... And send him to the negotiations.
  3. It should be becoming apparent from these negotiations, their separate responses to Grenfell and recent terrorist atrocities that Corbyn's stepping up to the game and should be PM of the country. May and the Tories are an utter sideshow.
  4. What a shite comic book that would turn out to be.
  5. Al insisting that you shouldn't politicise the deaths of dozens of people that came as a result of criminal negligence on the part of landlords, politicians and ministers is it? Didn't realise fires like this were an occurrence of nature like an earthquake lol.
  6. Honestly mate you don't want to know.
  7. All the pre-emotive moralising about rioting floating around is a bit irritating. The people protesting have a right to be furious and what's happened here is a much more clear cut example that the government, landlords and businesses involved don't give a shit about poor people.
  8. Can any of the auld yins on here recall a PM more hated, or a more abject handling of a crisis, than this right now from Theresa May and the government?
  9. Cockroaches could learn a thing or two about insidiousness from the SWP.
  10. Loondave is a great poster who never resorts to trolling.
  11. It's only politicising this that can stop this happening again and there's a lot of people landlord and council level up to the highest levels of government that are culpable here.
  12. As a committed Labour voter and member Loondave and jmo are my new comrades on here and anyone that thinks he's a troll and jmo's a Blairite dickhead is simply at it. At it.
  13. Think both sides are quick to dismiss the achievements of the other. Both the Yes movement and Corbyn overturned a massive deficit and widespread mainstream opposition to come much closer than anyone expected to pulling off the impossible. Seeing people that vehemently defend the ability for Yes to win the next referendum saying that Corbyn had his chance now and fucked it. The momentum is with Corbyn right now and the momentum can be with the Yes movement depending on how events play out down south.
  14. Well I suppose if pedantry is the only victory you can take then go for it.
  15. Think the figure being quoted was 72 Tory MPs voted against making homes 'fit for human habitation.' Philip Davies also filibustered the bill. If Mhairi Black is gonnae batter whoever's in government maybe she could start with him.
  16. Literally six days ago as well that was published. Lex is a fucking idiot.
  17. Was the same with my group of mates. Every single person I know was agonising over whether to give Corbyn a vote or stick by the SNP and many, including myself, didn't decide till the week and even the day of the election. From what I've gathered most of us still support a referendum and independence. More generally after the absolute shagging everyone's predictions have taken these past few years I'm surprised anyone's confidently kicking indyref into the long grass. Literally nobody thought we would have a Tory majority again, Brexit, Donald Trump winning the US election, Leicester convincingly winning the Premier League and Corbyn taking Labour as close as he did. The world's gone mad, maybe we'll UDI tomorrow and descend into sectarian civil war.
  18. Brexit will happen as both parties are committed to it. Corbyn's already signalled in debates that he's going to fight the government on securing a brexit deal that helps those who turned to UKIP before and offer an alternative to the Tories ongoing rush to turn Britain into a tax haven. If, and it's a big if, he can maintain party unity then rebel Tory MPs will be interesting to watch. I doubt every Tory wants a tax haven.
  19. FWIW I don't think Dugdale meant to suggest that people should vote Tory over SNP, I just think she's fucking thick and needs punted.
  20. Honestly want to see the SNP shelve indyref2 for a while just to see how much Ruth panics when she has to start attacking the SNP on policy and offering policy on her own. Every Scottish Conservative policy that's ever been posed under her leadership or suggested has been slaughtered.
  21. There's at least one in Maryhill and Shettleston Roads.
  22. This is how this started and if you look at the original tweet the article linked was in The Times and written by Tim Shipman so f**k knows what prompted your response. Then again, I'm surprised your PUL alarm bells weren't triggered by a Tim writing the article.
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