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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. It's possible to make comments that give off a casual vibe of misogyny/ misogynoir, racism, homophobia, transphobic without being any of those things. It's how you respond to being told that that's important. It wasn't just this comment but this one as well that has me calling out why you're choosing to focus on her relationship with Corbyn literal decades ago when you're having a go:
  2. Of course not but it depends what you're making jokes on. I don't think he's a bigot at all, just making comments which are unnecessary. There's plenty of things more recent which don't come across quite as unpleasant. I wouldn't say it as strongly as you obvs but I agree to an extent. His recent photos with Steve Hadley are just WTF in why he thinks it's acceptable to be seen with him. It's one area that needs challenging.
  3. Nah if you're reducing a prominent black female politician to somedy who Corbyn fucked 40 years ago then I have to question why that is. Especially when it was used during the election campaign as quite a vicious recurrent tactic of the Tory election strategy. Just don't do it.
  4. Six months ago Corbyn was an ideologue whose politics had no relevance in modern society. Now he's nearly won an election he's a fraud who doesn't believe what he says. There's problems with Corbyn, particularly the company he appears to endorse, and there's thousands more problems with the party at large but Corbyn's political beliefs aren't one of them.
  5. That's twice you've made posts like that about Abbott. Maybe lay off the casual misogynoir.
  6. "I apologise for any offence caused" is "I apologise if you were upset by what I said" not "what I said was wrong and I'm sorry for saying it". Pisspoor.
  7. Liberal Remainers only care about freedom of movement when it affects EU nationals. That doesn't mean I think people like McSpreader can get on their high horse particularly when there was talks of a free movement bloc with the white majority members of the Commonwealth.
  8. If there wasn't a sea separating Africa from Europe the EU would build a wall. I don't see how the government which took in 20 child refugees is going to suddenly address the EU's pisspoor approach to the vast displacements of peoples in the world.
  9. The teasing of the Broken gimmick is too much man.
  10. Shouts to the lassie on the bar that kept the lids on the three wines I bought to store in my packet in the crowd at Radiohead.
  11. You can have your amnesty... If you submit your biometric data... In hell in a cell
  12. Think they'll view TRNSMT as a success. Outwith Radiohead I didn't think they pulled off any massive coups yet they still managed a good turnout and sold out the Saturday. Fair play I was sceptical of Ellis' ability to run anything after the disaster of the last couple of T's.
  13. The way centrists talk about Iraq is disgusting as well. Like it was a minor blip of a man's career and not the needless death and destruction of millions of people's lives. The Iraqi's haven't known anything approaching normality in over 30 years,
  14. Haven't been to a wrestling event since I was a wee guy and my da got us front row seats for a WWE RAW live event. The only memory I've got is being disgusted at how much Shawn Michael's back felt like a hot dog.
  15. Tickets booked for the Saturday Shugs Hoose Party. First ever ICW event.
  16. RT if you want those lads to come back and sort out ISIS
  17. Don't see much wrong with it being treated as a political football by those who are campaigning for safer housing and less flagrant disregard for the life of poor people. It's political action that will address this.
  18. At least Jim Traynor had the good graces to leave the Daily Record before pitching up at Rangers.
  19. You're lying if you wouldn't read an article that covered the entire timeline of how it was conceived and posted. Imagine the conversation. Who did he drag away from their job to create it? What was the reaction when he said he wanted a video of him clotheslining CNN? So many questions.
  20. Go on Donald Trump's Twitter page and view his last tweet.
  21. That's nearly as bad as "what will happen to our Polish cleaners" [emoji26]
  22. "I... I think we were both good cops." "We were great cops!"
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