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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. See Ridrob carried on the #sesh after the walk yesterday.
  2. Nikki Cross reminds me of Charlie Kelly.
  3. I don't really have this problem as games seem to have streamlined their controls somewhat in recent years. I don't have the attention span to play just one game at a time any more.
  4. I don't think Corbyn sticking by his manifesto and campaign commitments, calling out Chuku's opportunism for what it is and denying UKIP and Farage a door back into relevance is going from hero to zero. The one major concern I, and many others on the left, have over Corbyn is his ongoing links to the toxic abusers on the left such as the SWP and Steve Hadley and a failure to address that will cause an exodus and him to plummet in people's estimations.
  5. I don't know about that. Vilified wrongly in his lifetime? Initials of JC? Could feasibly be everyone's da?
  6. Well it is. Chuku's petulant amendment aimed at destabilising the leadership again after he was overlooked for a shadow cabinet position was rightfully responded to with sackings and a slap down from Corbyn.
  7. No he didn't. He sacked them for opposing a three line whip. There was zero reason for Chuku to table this motion other than for his own vanity.
  8. This amendment was nothing more than a vanity trip by Chuku Umunna to keep his leadership ambitions afloat. Laughable that anyone thinks the party at large would fall behind someone suddenly arguing for single market access less than a year after he said he'd scrap it to cut immigration.
  9. I'm every single guy responding to this with "HMMM. I can certainly remember a certain JOSEF STALIN sacking his underlings."
  10. I hope we survive if in part because the biographies and autobiographies of these years are going to be fascinating reading. Even a Cracked article like this is hella interesting. http://www.cracked.com/article_24907_7-secret-and-stupid-rules-working-president-trump.html
  11. Puts to bed the laughable myth of "the decent Tories". Scum to a man and woman.
  12. Quite enjoy In Our Time whenever I'm bored. Is very easy going discussion about a range of topics ranging from ageing to Lenin.
  13. Doesn't quite scan but I take your point.
  14. And I voted for Corbyn's leadership in this election, not Scottish Labour. As Paul Sweeney has been consistently told since about 4am of the night of the election and as he'll be hearing for the remainder for this parliamentary term. The SNP, and Anne, did zilch to earn a vote in Glasgow North East and lost as a result.
  15. Both campaigns were absolutely horrendous. You can make the argument the Tories had a worse campaign in this election but it wasn't sustained over a number of years.
  16. The Tories set out to strengthen their majority. They lost it. They have less of a mandate to negotiate Brexit now than they did one month ago. It really is that simple.
  17. It wasn't though. It had resorted to Jim Murphy on a crate and the Russians landing on our airfields. I think there's more parallels between the good guys campaigns than people are willing to acknowledge and that's down to their constitutional leanings. I've said before I'll vote for independence every time it comes up but this intellectual dishonesty is telling IMO that SNP supporters are a bit feart.
  18. Her Home Office policies whether it was the targeted deportations of LGBT asylum seekers to countries where they faced imprisonment or death, the state sanctioned abuse of asylum seeking women at Yarl's Wood, the vans that drove through areas of high migration telling people to "go home" and the murmurings that May alone put the blockers on Tory guarantees of EU nationals right to stay isn't just a "jibe". And it isn't up to Theresa May to lead us through Brexit. She's running a sham government without the mandate of the people that she opportunistically called an election to acquire and as a supposed Labour man your acquiescence to the Tories is embarrassing.
  19. And yet May's entire history is one of authoritarian tendencies. She hasn't got the capability to lead a broad coalition, she doesn't want to and her tenures as Home Secretary and Prime Minister were so toxic that no right minded politician should do business with her but agitate against until she's replaced with someone less objectionable, racist and downright nasty.
  20. Becoming more apparent that people on here are hoping Corbyn can't win an election rather than any genuine belief that he can't. If Corbyn couldn't beat an awful Tory campaign in 7 weeks then it's worth pointing out that the Yes campaign couldn't beat a fucking awful Better Together campaign in 2 years.
  21. Brawn Strowman marking out for his own return two weeks on the trot.
  22. Well it depends what people are voting Tory for. If they're voting for unionism then a centre right pro-independence party will do nothing to the Tory vote share. It may, however, take further votes from the SNP who are starting to face a starker choice about where they want to position themselves.
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