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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Again this idea that trans people are somehow regressive because they wished to be described as women and are thus reinforcing gender stereotypes is something that TERFs deploy to keep trans people out of women only spaces. There isn't some magic forcefield that stops guys and women from entering the wrong bathroom, if someone wants to commit assault or harass someone then they will. That's a depressing fact of life. What isn't fair is to tell people who identify as women that they can't enter the bathroom that they're more comfortable in because they were born with the wrong genitalia.
  2. You'll be amazed to learn that the divine right of kings was a long established worldwide political system for hundreds of years before a group of highly paid, highly educated democrats in France decided they needed to check we had been doing it right all this time.
  3. Think the "this is a citizen's arrest!" guy was hoping to get punched so he could run straight to the police. Instead he'll end up a meme.
  4. I thought that was just down to the Irish's general dislike of the Brits. 5 years and I still can't tell if he's at it or not.
  5. The problem with this line of reasoning is it's used by TERFs to deny trans women access to vital services that they're entitled to. Remember trans women ARE women and face the same risks of assault and sexual abuse that cis women do. A few of my friends are involved in LGBT spaces in Scotland and some of them run Free Pride and other LGBT focused events. Having spoken to them and been to some of the events which practice trans inclusive spaces and gender neutral toilets etc they've had zero issues.
  6. His capitulation on immigration is disappointing as well. Hopefully Abbott's having a word again.
  7. That's not the fault of immigration but a failure of the government to provide adequate investment in public services which is further hampered by this government's ideologically driven austerity program. And I'd be interested to see the evidence that new immigrant won't challenge employees but even then, stringent laws that require people to have jobs to remain in the country *might* influence someones willingness to rock the boat just as much as someone being here illegally might do the same.
  8. Strong controls on immigration drive down wages because those whose residency is legally precarious are much less likely to challenge employers who exploit them. There are people who're legitimately concerned about immigration but there are no legitimate concerns about immigration.
  9. Again there's an argument to be made about the primacy of the City of London and the Remain campaign made a definite fatal mistake in focusing so heavily on what brexit would mean for the financial services in London but at the same time, is the solution to this really the ruthless Tory drive to turn this island into a tax haven?
  10. I'm sure my ex has the same as your wife. Fibromyalgia? She smokes all the time and it's did wonders for her.
  11. As Sunrise said it was a no-win situation. I saw first hand how lacklustre Anne's campaign was in the constituency and Sweeney himself isn't much better tbh. His wee stunt with the GUU tie the other day doesn't fill me with much confidence.
  12. Nah that's a lot of bollocks and you're just repeating empty Tory propaganda. If you're going to be a class traitor be a bit more inventive about it rather than this "giving everybody a good thing is bad actually" nonsense. Means testing is literally never going to be perfect and you're going to deprive loads of people the opportunity to seek a greater education for themselves by some arbitrary measure. Plus benefits that are universally given tend to have much more staying power since scum governments are more afraid of taking them away.
  13. Because universality is a key part of socialism my friend and higher education shouldn't be an endeavour solely for the privileged classes.
  14. Tbf Mensch has been ahead of the curve on occasion because she's made up so much shite that eventually she had to get something correct. And Garland's great. Read his TL if you can, I can't believe he's not an AI program gone rogue.
  15. Tbf to Sweeney he did apologise when my mates and I were haranguing him the night of the election and he has been firmly behind Corbyn since he was elected. Have a few issues with him elsewhere but at least he's shown some willingness to change.
  16. The liberal #resistance is so funny. Eric Garland who is the closest real life example I've ever seen to the rampant malfunctioning AI at the end of Metal Gear Solid 2 and Louise "Steve Bannon and Donald Trump are facing execution" Mensch being held up as Serious Voices of the anti-Trump movement.
  17. Bollocks. Find me a more innovative foolproof method of winning votes than taking over a McDonalds and driving round in a car round the Trongate yelling at shoppers.
  18. This is all assuming that people are going to blindly vote for an anti-brexit party. Corbyn played a good game in pretty much ignoring the issue, which was the opposite of what May was banking on, and instead built up an undeniably comprehensive social democratic manifesto and people responded to it much more than anticipated. If the Lib Dems can build a manifesto that appeals to more than your boyfriend with their anti-Brexit and pro-marijuana views then fair enough they *could* do well but appointing Cable who has a ton of baggage and was recently moaning about the irrational cult of youth isn't a good start.
  19. It's equal parts embarrassing and hilarious that you still have posters like oaksoft insisting that austerity is necessary when you read the above. A failed economic and ideological model.
  20. Who's going to hoover up this apparent Remain bloc who will abandon a proper left of centre Labour Party? The Lib Dems? A Sensible Centrist Party led by JK Rowling, Richard Osman and Gary Lineker or are we going to have the SNP standing UK wide?
  21. A lot of them were on their feet when he won so I don't know if they were just focused on the match but I don't know if that's a wildly optimistic interpretation. They haven't been given much background on McIntyre since he returned which has been useful in building hype for folk like Strong.
  22. One thing I noticed from my PGDE was the tension between primary and secondary teachers. Our tutors were insistent that the primary students had the tougher job but I don't know if that was just a morale boosting attempt or a genuine belief. I think the greatest problem is that there isn't any wholehearted attempts at creating greater links between the primary and secondary levels. The piss poor implementation of CfE wouldn't give me any hope that there could be any attempts at building worthwhile links either.
  23. That was what caused me to leave. Teaching the Highers was a breeze cause they wanted to learn but below that I struggled too much and didn't have the enthusiasm to try and get people who weren't willing to engage.
  24. Great post from @Ivo den Bieman. One thing he missed but I think further solidifies his point is that with the apparent increase of Orangemen into council positions the movement needs greater examination of what is going on behind the scenes.
  25. It's probably because the EU isn't the guaranteed vote winner that people thought it was. And the Lib Dems are a busted flush that sold their souls the first opportunity they got.
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