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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Reminds me of somedy on Twitter saying "antifa's history is intertwined with that of the Nazi's" aye I wonder why that is.
  2. Some alright points in that video offset by the equivalency being drawn (again) between Scotland and Palestine & Norn Ireland. Think there's a long historical context that influences people's support for those two cases regardless of their views on Scotland's independence. Agree that Cat Boyd's was a look at me. There's a left wing Scottish Labour movement, miniscule in relative terms as it is, that doesn't seem to give a solitary shit about the RISE mob.
  3. Imagine looking at Lenin's war on the kulaks and Mao's land reform policy and not thinking they're total legends I doubt a forum consisting of Baxter Parp and strichener can be considered an echo chamber. A nation which by all accounts are enormously diminished in prestige, power and projection being built up to be the major boogeyman of the world's literal hegemonic power. Embarrassing stuff all round from the Yanks.
  4. Including as a different character last season.
  5. Disgusted there wasn't a "you have my hammer" "and my axe" moment before the fellowship set off past the wall. Travelling by boat tbf would speed up the travel process quite a bit.
  6. I'm sure it's the stringent commitment to historical commemoration that motivates the lads.
  7. They aren't "pointless little rallies" though they tap into a raw history and ideology of lynchings, police killings, state repression and a fucking president who's a fascist white supremacist. These actions don't take place in a vacuum they are emboldened, as I have said repeatedly and which you've failed to counter, by a president who can't condemn them, a press who fawn over them, a police force which protects them and murders the people they want them to kill, and a state who implicitly supports them. It's bizarre that you suddenly condone violence when it's another state's sovereignty that's breached but not when an ideology is used to oppress, attack and kill marginalised groups within a state's borders.
  8. The only successful way to deplatform nazis is violence. My reference point for this is literally any point in history.
  9. "Having a different opinion" is thinking beans don't belong in a fry up or saying the PS4 has better games than the Xbox One. Arguing for the genocide or continued oppression of marginalised groups is violence. You have to remember that the only people fighting these nazis (and they are nazis. They're chanting about "blood and soil") are antifascist groups. The press aren't fighting these people, they're writing fawning articles about "dapper white nationalists". The police aren't fighting them, they are them. The state isn't fighting them, Donald Trump can't bring himself to condemn the people who voted him in. There is nobody who is willing to challenge these people apart from the antifascist groups out on the streets who are doing the work nobody wants to do.
  10. But condemning the violence on all sides equally is fucking stupid as is drawing equivalency between both sides. White nationalists are backed up by the systemic and historic economic, cultural and political subjugation of the state and can advocate their agenda of oppression and genocide without much fear of recourse from the state. Meanwhile black people continue to get murdered by the police without justice and you have moderates condemning people for reacting in the only manner they're able to. With physical violence.
  11. Of course he was and there's a reason why the radical elements of their ideology are purged when they're deified posthumously by the states they fought against. People want to condemn BLM etc as hate groups that are letting down the supposedly peaceful protestors of the past when it's nothing of the sort that they're doing.
  12. Except a lot of the time you, and many others, were repeatedly condemning antifa's and BLM for standing up to these people when they were cloaking their genocidal beliefs a bit more effectively. Look at the level of abuse antifa's got for hooking Richard Spencer back in January before, yet again, it turned out the 'patriotic white nationalist' had been quoted advocating the genocide of black people. It leaves me thinking about every liberal's favourite civil rights leader Martin Luther King and his opinion on white liberals: "First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season." http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/45a/060.html.
  13. Well you're still posting big yin so here we are.
  14. Must've missed the memo where the opposition in Venezuela were suddenly good.
  15. I didn't decide to vote Labour until the Sunday before the election. Reckon it was a late choice for a few people especially up here.
  16. Gonnae need kirkyblue to show the equivalence between those two posts.
  17. It's at least comforting in all this to see that Richard Spencer feels safe enough to leave the house. Oh wait.
  18. Whomst are the SNP doing a poor job in relation to?
  19. I reckon listening to their legitimate concerns and debating with them will resolve this all.
  20. Tbf Corbyn's manifesto was discussing raising corporation tax to pre 2011 levels wasn't it? You wouldn't think that judging by the cries of "COMMIE SCUM" from the Tories.
  21. Which is no bad thing to be fair. I'd rather have a several satisfying character arcs brought to their conclusions than shocks for the sake of shocks. Obvs they could be a bit less over the top with how fucking close Bron and Jamie are avoiding complete obliteration but that's about it. Can understand why Martin isn't finishing the books though. The buzz to round off a story that pretty much everyone has already worked out must be much less than the buzz you had initially plotting it all out and having the initial reactions to your material.
  22. To provide a bit of counterbalance it's worth even reading this small extract on the sheer devastation wrought upon the Korean peninsula by the USA in the Korean War. There are still people alive who witnessed the destruction and many of the big players north and south of the border are the grandchildren of those who fought in the 50s. Many in the north will also remember that the south were propped up by the US who allowed the south to be governed as a fascist state led by people heavily involved in the Japanese occupation of Korea and Manchuria during the war.
  23. I think it's apparent that plenty of characters have plot armour now. Those who have their arc still to fulfill will be safe. Theon's redemption, Jon and the White Walkers, Arya and her list and Jaime turning on Cersei seem like givens at the moment.
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