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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. What DeeTillEhDeh isn't sharing is that the SNP devoted 8 full chapters to another independence referendum whereas the Tories just mentioned it 43 times.
  2. I wonder if the alt-right will try and rewrite history like the **** and pretend they were in on the joke the whole time.
  3. The underwater episode in season 3 is one of my favourite episodes of anything.
  4. This will probably boost his opinion ratings among the alt-right tbf. Paul Joseph-Watson will be trying to do it to himself on video to trigger some snowflakes.
  5. Scaramucci has just heavily suggested that Steve Bannon's tried to suck his own dick. What a world.
  6. Has been made aware time and time again of abusers on the left and within RISE and has elected to ignore it in favour of chasing a media profile and her political career as non-existent as it is.
  7. The transgender stuff and "massive medical costs!!" just a transparent attempt to divert from healthcare coverage being taken away from millions of people.
  8. It is weird when they start concocting West Wing fantasies about fucking dickheads like John McCain.
  9. It's the one negative I'm referring to, they're always harping on about constant title swaps. Can't say it affects my perception of the belt, the people fighting over it are selling it more than enough.
  10. The lads at Bleacher Report will be fuming at the main event outcome.
  11. Nice wee swerve from the inevitable Cena - Mahal Summerslam title match. Nakamura vs Cena number one contender match next week. [emoji7]
  12. Fair play. He's an equal opportunities xenophobe.
  13. The Remain campaign was abject shite from literally everyone involved. I don't think Corbyn did well at all but I don't think anyone did well.
  14. He probably believes in his ability to win an election and deliver meaningful change across the country.
  15. Cause she was democratically elected and he was fighting on multiple fronts?
  16. That's a wild reading of Corbyn's politics. More concerned with preserving the union than defeating the Tories?
  17. You just said literal minutes ago that trans women are "entitled men" so you'll excuse me if I find your attempt to portray yourself as some valiant defender of the oppressed pretty fucking rich. You're sticking up for middle class bigots with bylines in all the broadsheets who are paid excessive amounts to pontificate on why penniless women should be barred from being the gender they identify as and kept out of spaces they literally need to survive. You're not speaking for all feminists, you're speaking for a small cadre of gatekeepers who invent straw men and fictional scenarios so that people can't go to the bathroom in peace or access homeless shelters. It's not surprising that you're once more reverting to the woke soundbites but reactionary politics that you're usually deploying against the indy supporters on here but it is disappointing.
  18. It must be frustrating when people are asking for press quotes when you're knee deep into Papal conspiracy posting on Follow Follow.
  19. The pieces in bold are just out and out transphobia and you should be embarrassed for parroting the horrendous language of the New Statesman lot who peddle this quasi-alt right gender essentialist bullshit. *Trans-exclusionary radical feminists are the people that are being criticised and it's not "for daring to say that trans women don't feel the same disadvantages as women grow up with". Not all cis women experience the same disadvantages growing up whether because of their sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, class or religion and it's stupidly ignorant to suggest that trans people don't experience discrimination even before they transition. Plus even outside of their socialisation growing up they experience horrendous abuse and stigmatisation which leads to trans women of colour having a life expectancy of 35 and 30% of trans women attempting suicide. Seriously, jmo, put down your copy of the New Statesman and start reading better shit otherwise you're just going to be stuck with the rest of the Blairite slugs wondering how you're going to get some relevance back.
  20. I'll stick the rest of my wages on a Labour majority at the next election in that case.
  21. I don't think Corbyn's had a vintage week and am particularly perturbed by his at best badly worded stuff on immigration that's why I'm supporting Jacob Rees Mogg's leadership ambitions so we can get on with putting the aristocracy's heads on spikes like we should've done ages ago.
  22. He does have a habit of telling folk quite bluntly to wrap it if they're rambling as well. I'm going to find this one though.
  23. I would be surprised what with Bobby Roode's 'thing' being about making NXT "Bobby Roode's NXT"
  24. I know we're tedious lads but I like to think I'll call it quits well before it gets to that stage.
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