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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Not a million miles off tbh. She's just after a cushy commentator position and she's thrown enough women on the left under the bus to pursue it already.
  2. Can't stick him personally but he's f**k ugly and an average singer so him being a rando footsoldier in the Lannister army isn't outwith the realms of possibility.
  3. Tbf that tweet was posted when the odds of Corbyn being leader were probs about a thousand to one. Doesn't detract from the fact that Cat Boyd is a dickhead right enough.
  4. The only reason the Sheeran bit didn't totally suspend my disbelief is that he's f**k ugly enough to be a random commoner in Westeros.
  5. Probably my favourite scene thinking back was the Hound's. He might be moving along a more righteous path now but can he escape his own past cruelties?
  6. Nothing better than grown men getting pure mad at a woman playing a time travelling alien in a kid's show.
  7. There is a clear difference between casual homophobia/ misogyny etc (cracking jokes etc) and outright homophobia/misogyny (look at banana's entire posting history). Quite why mcspreader, who's guilty of both fairly regularly, would want to make it his personal crusade on here is beyond me.
  8. Rather than "President for Life" I think we should go for Eck Presidente. Symbolise the man in the title.
  9. Unless McSpreader can name his favourite drag queen and season of Ru Paul's Drag Race I won't take his bold claim of being the most respectful of the LGBT community seriously.
  10. Kincardine: A black woman reading out a sample of the list of vicious racist and sexist abuse and death threats she receives on a daily basis during a discussion on online abuse, playing the feminist/ racist card Also Kincardine: reports every instance of people using *** in their posts on an online forum
  11. A mate of mine lives in Shoreditch and says that Abbott personally took charge of his ma's citizenship when she left her abusive husband. I don't think she's cut out for it anymore particularly with the level of vicious vitriol she attracts which is a shame as her politics and constituency work are so commendable. Then again I'm not sure not being competent is enough to preclude you from high office. The Tory party is being run by vicious clowns at the minute.
  12. I'm happy that the political intrigue is making way for the scenes tbh. The politics in King's Landing etc were the best parts of the show while they were following the books but you could see the dialogue taking a nose dive once the show had to start writing on its own. They've excelled at the big action set pieces especially in the last two seasons so it'll be cool to see them continue on from there. ETA not just the battles either, the scene where Cersei gets revenge was 10/10.
  13. Good to see yer da isn't going to be deterred from calling a woman a c**t that hides behind her race and gender even after he's just watched a video of her talking about all the horrendous racial slurs and death threats she receives for being a prominent black woman.
  14. I honestly ask anyone who thinks that Diane Abbott "abuses racism and sexism" to hide behind her apparent ability as a politician to watch her speaking about the abuse she receives on a daily basis today.
  15. Shouldn't you out be burning a bonfire, brother?
  16. Cause you've made two sexually explicit posts concerning and ridiculing Abbott. You can try and argue what your point was but it looks like misogyny and some would term it misogynoir as well since you're reducing a black woman to who she's had a relationship with. If that wasn't your intention then fair enough but it can and will be interpreted that way. Just something to bear in mind when that's what you choose to focus on. I'm engaging in good faith here.
  17. If Jeremy Corbyn's wife had had a decades long career in politics with numerous successes, controversies and failures and the one thing you could think to ridicule them on was the fact they were shagging Jeremy Corbyn then I'd probably wonder why that was, aye.
  18. You've twice chosen to mock Diane Abbott on the basis of who she has chosen to have a relationship with. I don't really see that ridiculing her for that is any different to unionists who choose to take the piss out of Nicola Sturgeon for being childless. It smacks of casual misogyny.
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