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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. ^^^ I've read the books btw type post IMO.
  2. Entertaining RAW yesterday. Miz going in on Enzo and Brawn destroying everything in his path (again) the highlights.
  3. Judging by the name "Pewdiepie" and what he did I assumed he had to be a teen but the c**t's 27? How do you get to 27 and know that you can't say the n word as a white dude?
  4. As always, it's good to see our resident staunch poster obsessing over the other side whenever the opportunity arises.
  5. Hillary Clinton lost to a cartoon fascist that thinks the adequate response to catastrophic weather conditions is a sad thumbs up.
  6. The Franco era of persecution ties in to a long history of difference between Castile and Aragon ever since they were formally united by Isabella and Ferdinand. I think it was Philip V that formally abolished the Kingdom of Aragon in the 18th century (either during the War of the Spanish Succession) or around the 1750s which might explain the modern understanding of Catalonian nationalism differing from the historical Aragonese kingdom.
  7. Tbf it's incredibly simplifying to boil down Catalonian self-determination to "the richest part of the country wanting to keep its money to itself". I don't have an explanation for why Catalonian nationalism grew out of a suppressed Aragonian identity though.
  8. Do you have to play the first one? I've had it over a year and haven't managed more than an hour of it since the story is incomprehensible.
  9. People probably stayed home because the EU just isn't a vote winner, either for the Lib Dems or the SNP. I don't think Labour's stance is going to affect them much either if they have a decent manifesto to sell to the electorate. That's probably why Sturgeon is taking the focus to a large extent away from membership of the EU atm. I think Scotland would respond to Corbyn's Labour if Slab weren't so horrendous so it makes sense for Sturgeon to take the fight to Labour on Corbyn's terms and watch welts like Sarwar try and pretend that the thought of a social democratic Scotland doesn't fill them with revulsion.
  10. Plenty of good reading earlier on in this thread.
  11. Most libertarians believe the job of the government should be restricted to finding them a girlfriend.
  12. She's probably got a career to think about. Can't blame the polis for taking that into consideration.
  13. The big mistake was banking everything on sufficient opposition to Brexit pushing us over the line in another referendum. Think the SNP have realised that as well and are now marrying continued membership of the EU with a genuine shift to the left. Time will tell if it's just bluster but I found Sturgeon's speech this week very encouraging
  14. Philip K Dick had a rubbish short story where the cut off point was where someone could understand algebra.
  15. The North Korean constitution, AFAIK, justifies the building of a nuclear bomb as being in the interests of self-defense. Obvs they are unlikely to explicitly state that they are building one for the purposes of wiping out anyone else but the reasoning is sound. North Korea has nothing to lose and everything to gain for its long term stability if it acquires a measure of MAD, even just with its neighbours.
  16. How can I win the argument when he's never going to see what I say and has infinitely more ability to enact his views on society? Some things should, and I have voiced this repeatedly, kinda be beyond debate and a lot of things already are. We would get even further as a society if we accepted some things as fundamentally correct and stopped fucking wasting time debating them all the time. The existence of climate change or whether gay people are equal to straight people for example. Where's the need to be better than that? It's a bit annoying that people try to soften what they're doing. If you're going to defend a homophobe's beliefs or his right to influence legislatation on behalf of them then accept you're advocating for his beliefs and platform to some extent.
  17. It's not "devil's advocate" you're playing here, call it what it is, homophobe's advocate. And I guess you can assume someone's religion is informing their views when they tell you that it does... Like with Tim Farron for example.
  18. If he isn't forcing his ideas on anyone then maybe he shouldn't vote on these issues considering he has an ability to literally enshrine his view in law.
  19. They probably anticipated an imminent admission of Turkey to the EU and all the horrors that would supposedly bring.
  20. Ironically it's the match with by far the best build even if the actual bout itself will probably be at best average.
  21. That and the fact he's come out and said he's in support of forced pregnancy
  22. I for one am shocked the fascist nutter thinks women should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term regardless of the circumstances.
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