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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. I guess if you're so brain dead that your barometer for judging a president's success is how they much trigger libtards then I'm sure the Donald is doing great.
  2. I haven't seen anything yet from the EU that suggests Spain won't get away with this even if Catalonia declares a UDI.
  3. The early omens aren't particularly great for the Catalonians if the EU don't condemn the Spanish. That British govt. statement was pure shitebaggery that lets the Spanish state completely off the hook. Thankfully our putrid island's influence is rapidly shrinking by the hour.
  4. Baffling that they think people will vote to maintain crippling fees rather than getting rid of them.
  5. She's still in the job because a succession in the leadership will prompt new calls for an election that the Tories are fairly certain they won't win.
  6. I very much doubt that would have happened.
  7. Hey leave it out man it's an island with big water around it
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong but I cant remember Randy Giles talking about politics in the Politics Forum. Just policing who replies to who.
  9. "May's free revolution to win over students" when she is CAPPING fees at 9250 a year.
  10. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckraker/charlottesville-drives-wedge-between-far-right-groups Hahahahahaha
  11. Tempted to watch if Hitchens was on. Did he get into an argument with anyone over anything mental?
  12. I punched my TV (and broke it) when I was like 14 because of Matriarch fucking Benezia.
  13. When did everyone start recognising Transnistria, South Ossetia and the Donbas
  14. Leonard might have better politics than Kez but he's got nothing on her photo op skills.
  15. That's a bit of an over-reaction. The SNP weren't almost exclusively voted on a mandate to hold another vote.
  16. What's abusive about TERF? It's a literal descriptor. You're not one of those "centrist' is a slur" losers are you?
  17. Nobody's mentioned feminists in general here, champ. It's a more general issue around TERFs having a laughable claim to caring about oppressed peoples considering their raison d'etre is policing other women's access to refuge spaces and denying them bodily autonomy.
  18. Ken Livingstone should be booted from the Labour Party pronto and Labour should be doing more to investigate accusations of anti-Semitism within the party. That discussion can't and shouldn't be led by Islamophobes and TERFs who are transparent as heck in their outrage.
  19. Nicki Minaj said "naw" a couple of days back but I can't conclusively deny she wasn't brought up in Ruchill or somewhere.
  20. A huge part of the EU referendum was centred around what the EU did for London and what an exit would mean for the city. The Mayor of London, especially one who's touted himself as business friendly, was never going to become a Brexiteer lukewarm or otherwise. I take topcat's point about Corbyn calling for unity but I disagree with it and I don't think unity over Brexit is necessary or desirable.
  21. I don't *think* that was the point I was trying to make there but carry on.
  22. He's the mayor of London of course he supports a second referendum.
  23. I mean I don't think there's much secretive about the Israeli lobby. Some of them even have a website. http://www.aipac.org/
  24. You can easily make the argument that the left sees a higher proportion of anti-semitism accusations because its weaponised by the centre right. See: Stephen Daisley, Robbie Travers, Nick Cohen, Dan Hodges et al. These are the same people that called actual Jewish people like Sam Kriss an anti-Semite for criticising Israel. [emoji28]
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