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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. I know a couple that went as McCanns a few years back and it only got a bit of notoriety around Fife, where they stayed. Lucky b*****ds everyone else willingly chooses to ignore Fife's existence or they'd have ended up in the same position.
  2. They'll need a hearse to take one, or both, of them out the arena.
  3. Really disappointing the way people have tried to engage in whataboutery over this.
  4. It's perfectly possible to go for the throat and consider the mistakes your own side made.
  5. Well done steak with ketchup. If that isn't a sign that he's OFTW then I'm not sure what is.
  6. The argument being made is that they're trying to leak the more overtly consensual and slightly daft stuff in the hope of taking the sting out of the scandal. It's a matter of time until someone anonymously leaks the list though. If even Novara Media, a fairly small media outlet that's explicitly anti-Tory, has seen the full unedited list then it's a matter of hours at this point surely.
  7. The Tories, ever opportunistic and incompetent, thought they could make it a party political issue and might bring down their administration as a result. Fucking idiots.
  8. He was brilliant. Posted a massive thread about GAME THEORY then had a prolonged meltdown where he started posting like the rampant AI at the end of Metal Gear Solid 2.
  9. American Badass chasing Angle round the arena for old time's sake?
  10. Seth Abramson's been pulled up for being a fanny before but I don't spend enough time on Twitter (honest!) to remember what it was for. Maybe he's Eric Garland pt 2.
  11. Said before but Madrid love a needless overreaction. They did the same in 1814, they'll do the same again.
  12. Yer da doesnae realise it was Limmy that started "yer da" etc etc etc
  13. Looking forward to passing five minutes of my life next week searching for people on Twitter who've misspelt poppy as "poopy".
  14. London had the excuse of being in the midst of a massive war they weren't sure of winning tbf.
  15. Weird how people have forgotten that Guido Fawkes is a creep and a shill for apartheid South Africa.
  16. ^^^ this is the most important thing to consider
  17. She should have her nomination for e-politician of the year taken away if she's acting like she doesn't tweet from her own account.
  18. That and RealFakeDoors. Honestly couldn't stop crying with laughter the first time I watched that episode minced after a night out.
  19. He'll top that at Christmas when he's pished out his tree. Sunny Hundal's drunk tweets >>>>
  20. Hibs won the Scottish Cup, nearly ended the streak and got promoted. Spain have Dons'd it.
  21. My issue with the Russia thing is that the Dems are blatantly going to blame their loss on Russian interference rather than learn the domestic lessons necessary. I thought the same thing might've happened here with Brexit but people seem to want to put it down to a collective moment of madness instead which is definitely much more healthy.
  22. Colkitto when that UDI was declared
  23. Have this likely mad belief that Scottish Labour can be reformed and a force for good in the Scottish parliament. Leonard has good politics and a good background and I know people actively involved in running his campaign and they're all good socialists. I think it'll be good for the SNP as well as it'll drag them leftwards and hopefully will be good for Scotland. I did vote for independence and would probably vote for it again but I'm uncertain whether the country would atm. It might be a false dawn but I think Leonard is the first good candidate Slab have had in years and the increasing entitled tone of Sarwar supporters on the right such as Murray over their gradual sidelining hopefully means a beginning of getting rid of them out the party. More young left leaning members and mandatory reselection and by 2021/2022 they'll be looking for new jobs. Or Sarwar will win and i'll be politically homeless again.
  24. I despise Greer and Mogg but they can be funny on occasion. It's a much better show when you have the likes of Salmond and Chakrabarti who are unafraid to essentially call out an audience member's pish as well.
  25. As I say, I could write a dissertation on the reason I'm not voting for him.
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