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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. People need to start looking at the sources they're using FFS. I agree that Media Lens isn't impartial but Michael White is a moron that looks like the personification of the Scramble for Africa.
  2. RT isn't remotely balanced. It's just seen as such because it does offer a clear counterbalance to the media over here which effectively acts as shills for the West and its foreign interests. That doesn't detract from the view that RT's remit is essentially to foster opposition to the West and give tacit support to Russia and its allies but anyone with half a brain can spot what it's doing so I don't see much of a problem with that. It's a less subtle BBC and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Media Lens is a big fan of Julian Assange and calls his rape allegations 'smears' so I wouldn't take their opinion as remotely neutral.
  3. Should've went to Orwells or The Grove instead and kept it real, Cardinal. Went and met a barmaid from the CCA that I've been chatting to recently as she was finishing a shift and was rebuffed for my usual pint of T as they don't serve it. Snobby b*****ds. If I was as principled as Sweeper Dee I'd have cut it off there and then.
  4. Unrelated but a good Google topic for head's gone material is "are x Spanish American nationality white"
  5. Fairly certain I saw a poster on here engaging with yer man David Torrance on Twitter about this.
  6. Have to respect Salmond's ongoing commitment to banter. Also stoked for that sweet rouble from the kremlin to start rolling in for indyref2.
  7. The story could be supplemented with explicit details of the woman's sex life (would probably suit The Sun's vibe) and it still wouldn't detract from the points that she's making. The Sun probably sought the pictures out for titillation as it's what they do but it's also unintentionally a good way of rooting out the victim blamers.
  8. Aye. Think it's been officially announced.
  9. Cerberus trying to be edgy across the forum, aye?
  10. Good to see you're taking PB's mantra on board and developing your posting ability. I'll endeavour to be less abrasive in future.
  11. Hammond is already the chancellor so this joke doesn't scan.
  12. Maybe the SNP can support a vote of no confidence this time and make amends for the last time.
  13. Can't believe we're going to have a Marxist-Leninist as Chancellor of the Exchequer in 2017.
  14. Can nobody from the Great Satan please pollute my thread with this shit? Thank you.
  15. Fair play hinging about the thread looking for an opportunity to make a zinger. Wouldn't be me.
  16. Rasputin was a wizard. Of that I have no doubt. Unfortunately he's sorta lost in the muddle of legends roaming the streets of Petrograd in the 1910s.
  17. Wee shame. Always felt he was misguided rather than actually awful.!
  18. Graves is great I'm not surprised that he's the go to guy for commentary here there and everywhere.
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