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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Made up for the reaction Paige got. Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville will be decent as well.
  2. I felt crushed watching Owens go up to Vince after his Mania match. Fucking hell that must've been horrible for him.
  3. Come on now I think we're being very unfair on Vince here. I'm sure he would've handled it well.
  4. Nah I agree and it's something I've raised at CLP meetings. The ongoing battles between the SNP and Labour aren't really about ideological disagreements and are more a worry over how Corbynism can take the wind out of the sails of the Yes movement and on Labour's behalf it's a lingering sense of entitlement and bitterness over the SNP rightfully replacing Labour in their former heartlands.
  5. I think this is bang on btw. I was guilty of it myself for a good year after Corbyn's initial victory.
  6. I think historically they would've normally been streets ahead in the polls it's just that the top two parties now occupy roughly 40+% of the polls, right? Maybe in the recent past when the Lib Dems and UKIP were anything other than an electoral irrelevance there was probably space to move 10-15% ahead but it's a two horse race again and Corbyn's Labour is sufficiently radical that I doubt it'll break 45%. That's still enough to win a majority if they begin to recover Scotland. Again, it's all conjecture at this stage but I don't think the task is any more difficult than it was 6 months ago.
  7. I think declaring one way or the other that the Tories or Labour conclusively won't take an overall majority is wishful thinking more than anything else. Labour increased their vote share substantially at the last election and increased it by millions compared to 2015 and there's no reason to doubt they can't go one better this time. You only have to watch the BBC doc following Kinnock around yesterday to see what literally everyone expected to happen back in June and how shocking it was that it didn't. If mandatory reselections are brought in then there's every chance the PLP melts will be looking for new careers anyway. Interesting you think that the SNP would demand a watering down of his radical policies though.
  8. Corbyn's a mild social democrat. That's fairly radical for 2017 when everyone thought left wing politics dead across the board as recently as April of this year. Corbyn's also one man but the expansion of Labour Party member groups, publications such as The New Socialist and even media outlets such as Novara Media, although I find them irritating personally, is emblematic IMO of a wider engagement with the issues that you've highlighted. It reminds me of 2014 except there is actually momentum and a feeling that the party co-opting the momentum isn't going to do nothing with it.
  9. Think it's quite funny to suggest that SLYS, Momentum and the like aren't engaging with issues around climate change, automation, personal privacy and especially the collapse of traditional capitalism. Furthermore I don't see which other party is taking the lead in any of these arenas. I was a member of the SNP for 3 years and didn't see these discussions being advanced to any significant degree other than maybe around climate change.
  10. I think it's a widely accepted opinion country wide. I can't imagine a Tory-lite party would propose the repeal of the Trade Union Act.
  11. Labour's current stance could easily see them replace a Tory party that's potentially months if not weeks away from imploding. There's nothing to suggest that coming out against Brexit atm will do anything other than consign us to another decade of Conservative majorities. Plenty of that 4 million that flocked back in 2017 came from people that voted for Brexit and/ or UKIP.
  12. I truly don't know what they expect to happen if Labour suddenly came out against Brexit other than a crushing Tory majority. The two parties that stood explicitly against Brexit lost seats and/ major party figures.
  13. A waiting party of government can't vote on custom union membership right now when the public hasn't shown any clear willingness to go against Brexit. Trying to turn Ian Murray and Chuku Umunna into principled politicians is really odd as well. They're opportunists.
  14. I remember reading a while back about a blatant Prince knock off but he's managed to make it more than work.
  15. An actually socialist Labour Party movement is worth parachuting trade unionists in and getting the Red Tories to f**k IMO.
  16. This makes SweeperDee an even bigger shitebag.
  17. Huge, huge fan of the Dream. Would mark out for him and Black as a tag team if there was another Dusty Classic.
  18. Are these the ones who were suspended months ago?
  19. She'll come out for independence in the jungle. Put your house on it.
  20. Reports on Twitter that Leonard's suggested that Kezia will be suspended from the party. Scenes.
  21. Establishing a coherent left wing ideology in the party, pushed by an increasingly younger membership led by CfS, and clearing out the blockages (Blairite slugs) that stopped any Corbyn momentum translating north will allow Labour to actually act as a sensible opposition and have the SNP harassed from the left. I haven't followed Leonard's speech today yet but nearly all the literature I got and the discussions in the CLP meetings didn't make an issue of another referendum anywhere near the same extent that Sarwar's lot did.
  22. Thought Willie Rennie focusing on this over the possibility of job losses by his own constituency was fucking disgusting tbh.
  23. Absolutely screeching at what just popped up on my TL
  24. The only good candidate won. Hopefully now this will begin an exodus of the slugs.
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