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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Poland's probably still feart of the Jews they kicked out after WW2 coming back and taking the wealth the Poles stole off of them back. Either that or Eastern Europe has a big hard on for ethnostates.
  2. I took a long hard look at myself in the mirror there and thought "wow, what a set of cheekbones."
  3. A day later and the more I'm convinced I love it. It captured the futility of the rebellion and it was especially satisfying to watch the heroes plans get foiled and actively worsen the situation for everyone which I never really felt existed in the same way in the originals or TFA. Another thing I enjoyed was the way Driver suggested that Snoke had suddenly gained his powers and just attempted to copy the Empire before him and it played well with the caricature that the First Order feel like. With the comedy I can understand the criticisms but I think it was necessary for what was quite a somber film which was heavy on the futility and insignificance of the players. The franchise is in really good hands and I'm looking forward to Rian's trilogy. At the very least it'll at least be gorgeous to look at (seriously Snoke's chamber was just brilliantly designed) and explore themes in a more satisfying way than I think other major blockbuster series like Avengers fails to do.
  4. Maybe if we can push the right people into contact with Trump we can get him to endorse posadism or become a zoroastrian?
  5. Thought it was great tbh. Some bits fell utterly flat but it was good to see Johnson taking a lot of risks and it was natural not everything would work. When big Adam said "let the past go, kill it if you must" it was as blatant a shot at a section of the audience as anything you'll see.
  6. It wasn't just Darien, but the ill years of the 1690s and growing economic nationalism that shut off Scottish trading avenues that brought Scotland round towards union with England. I think England would have eventually invaded anyway and Scotland got a pretty decent deal out of the English in 1707 all things considered. It feels like a pointless waste of time framing the nationalism argument around 1707 anyway when it's the failings of the post-1979 Westminster establishment that's central to the independence argument.
  7. Between this and the Sun's laughable demonisation of a disabled benefits claimant saving up all year to buy her weans some christmas presents its apparent that they haven't a fucking clue what the public mood is anymore.
  8. *extreme ramagamma voice* Take your time and soak up the atmosphere. It's rare to play a game that's as well written and interesting as the Witcher 3.
  9. I think CDPR said they aren't finished with the universe but aye it's likely on a back seat.
  10. No chance the map is smaller than GTA 3, you can drive about the whole map in about 5 minutes.
  11. Love when people transpose their current feelings on the union back to 1707.
  12. A digital currency would hopefully tank our economy to the extent where I could live out my dream of going on the telly in a military uniform and announcing to everyone that a coup had definitely not taken place and for everyone to stay at home.
  13. I'd fucking love it if we blew our next chance at independence by doing something as stupid as this.
  14. Isn't bitcoin well on its way to bankrupting the world's power supply or something?
  15. Wound up some no mark UFC dork and Cornette so it's definitely doing something right.
  16. Jason Isaacs does a superb Yorkshire accent in the Death of Stalin. Would recommend, its a very funny accent.
  17. Polls may not directly translate into people turning out on the day. 4-5% is still a substantial number of people and if even 5% of those who turned out (potentially the first time) in 2014 then it gets exponentially more difficult. I'm not saying that it shouldn't be held before Brexit, I think it probably has to be held before 2021 but I'm not convinced on its success if it isn't developed beyond the EU issue.
  18. Liberals hate leftists more than they hate the right and it's apparent that many in the US would rather indulge "soft" Republicans over pursuing revolutionary healthcare reform.
  19. It wasn't so much who Trump brought to the ballot box but the fact that so many people didn't turn out for Clinton. The Dems will steamroller 2020 if they don't Dons it and put up a minter candidate again.
  20. You've misunderstood me. My point is that fighting a campaign purely on retaining EU membership won't bring out anywhere near the same numbers that turned out in 2014 to vote for independence. If the SNP, and wider movement, want to overcome the referendum hangover then they'll have to try and recapture the enthusiasm that people had in 2014 and I think there has to be a bit more than just continued membership of an institution most people are ambivalent about.
  21. It's liberals that are concerned with proper conduct while conservatives viciously dismantle the welfare state and make everyone's lives more miserable. Dems should stop pretending life is like the West Wing, start fighting dirty and treat every Republican as the ideological enemy that they're supposed to be.
  22. The other thing you have to remember is that you have to be a certain kind of person to actively want to participate in the pantomime that is Question Time.
  23. If the referendum is centred on retaining EU membership then I'm not sure that's going to be enough to motivate people to come out the polls. The SNP likely understand this after their lukewarm performance in the General Election and the budget is surely a sign that they might try and recapture some of the enthusiasm for a radical vision that existed in 2014.
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