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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. David Torrance's squirming has been the funniest.
  2. Raphael Lataster is about as valid a source on this and worthy of consideration as Kasparov is on the existence of the Dark Ages in history. That is to say, not valid or remotely taken seriously.
  3. Fair play I can't predict who'll be in government in six months time so that's one heck of a bold prediction.
  4. Gone are the days when you could do a Philip II of Spain and just expel all your creditors.
  5. These are the same people that condemn antifa for punching Nazi's in their recreational time.
  6. Incidentally I heard a great definition for libertarianism today: a brain disease that doesn't see power relationships. I preferred "overgrown manchild" myself but that's good.
  7. Roy Moore's popularity shoots among people (the alt-right) that are overly interested about the distinction between paedophile and hebephile.
  8. Always good to see a liberal interventionist pushing the stumbling reluctant empire narrative.
  9. Cut Nancy some slack for coping with a wet blanket and choosing a shagging over the life of her best pal.
  10. Nancy's best pal got brutally murdered and she feels responsible and Steve's reaction was to throw a tantrum cause she said she didn't love him. Well rid IMO although he did redeem himself towards the end of the season.
  11. Couldn't stop thinking about Nicola Murray when May was doing the walk up to the cenotaph. Pictured her people fucking hammering down how to walk properly.
  12. This isn't the most relevant place to discuss this is it when the Tories are currently weaponising it to let their Foreign Sec off the hook for potentially adding years on to a woman's sentence.
  13. I'd rather he was acting at the bam up outside the political arena than dictating policy tbf.
  14. Really enjoyed the Death of Stalin. Lots of little bits such as Stalin feeding his comrades booze, the immediate shift in tone when Paulina returns to the apartment and Jason Isaac's broad Yorkshire accent. Superb.
  15. Don't get the Nancy hate, man. She's great and helped yer man Dustin at the end.
  16. I don't think they're really related are they? It's Labour who've been getting the most capital out of the paradise papers leaks and the Tories implosion.
  17. The response to this isn't driven by sincere dedication to the pursuit of objective truth, it's a reaction from traditional media and power blocs over the loss of their monopoly on soft power and setting the agenda. I don't watch RT and I am critical of their commitment to only giving representation to dissident voices of the west without the same criticism of Russia but I don't really think it's that big of a deal if Salmond hosts a show on the network. As an aside if I am watching the news in work I'll put on Sky News as a lot of decent new media commentators are invited on but to pretend the channels themselves present a serious challenge to western hegemony for example is laughable.
  18. Think Zetterlund has slanted generally on the favour of being pro-Russian on here but what he said isn't really wrong. RT is blatant in its propagandist championeering for the Russian state and is usually supportive of anyone and everyone that is in opposition to the West but there's plenty of Western propagandists that masquerade under the veil of neutral reporting that don't face anywhere near the same scrutiny that RT broadcasters and presenters face.
  19. Sillars at least says that he will vote SNP regardless of how he feels about the party. Not something that can be said of Tony Blair for example who was effectively telling people to consider a vote for the Lib Dems.
  20. I don't know what's to be gained by amplifying voices who don't share your politics to any extent.
  21. Can't disagree with anything here tbf. Especially the Michael White bit.
  22. You were attributing quotes to me yesterday that didn't happen. Looks like you both have something in common!!!!
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