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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Why would Assad use chemical weapons if he was increasingly viewed as the preferred option in post-war Syria?
  2. What if you accidentally fall pregnant when you already have two kids and you can't afford it? Have an abortion regardless of your personal belief on the issue? Keep them for a year and raffle aff the one that does your head in the most? Do a Kate McCann? It's just quite staggering that people would rather force women to relive an incredibly traumatic event and go through this government's awful bureaucratic procedures for the sake of about 13 quid a week. The problem with means testing is two-fold. One is that it's difficult to build a means testing system that isn't costly and doesn't miss people out who still need it. Already you've got people responding to Corbyn's FSM policy claiming that anyone earning over 16k a year is middle class and shouldn't be entitled to it. The other problem is that means tested services are typically poor services, viewed by many as FOR the poor and are much easier to get rid of as a result. Give the middle classes a stake in a system and they'll protect it. Make it for the most vulnerable and the comfortable will bin it off as soon as they can justify it.
  3. Kirky's happy for people to preach hate against minorities but apparently receiving a slap for this is the death of civilised society.
  4. I'm in Glasgow so I'm just counting down the days till Glasgow Labour are unceremoniously booted out!
  5. I'll be doing a variation on SNP/ Green. Would rather maximise the chance of any one of the only two worthy parties in Scotland getting in.
  6. Chat shit, get banged is my only thought on people like Nigel Farage and Richard Spencer.
  7. I couldn't give a shit if somedy is working the system to their advantage as long as the people that genuinely need the support get it. It's pretty apparent you can either allow some people to "sponge" off the state or leave vulnerable people at the mercy of an ideologically driven state. It says a heck of a lot about you which one you choose to prioritise.
  8. That doesn't make it valid. I'm not going to help validate people's inherent xenophobia or throw foreign nationals under the bus to pander to British xenophobes who worry about this sort of guff. If (I'm joking there is no if) a part of the feeling of Britishness is an innate dislike of foreignness then I hope we spend this campaign denouncing it rather than pandering to it. It's not acceptable in the 21st century.
  9. Anyone who has a problem with "their kin" suddenly becoming foreigners is implicitly suggesting that they have a problem with foreigners. It really is that simple. My da's not going to suddenly mean less to me once political control moves from London to Edinburgh. What a fucking backwards thing to believe.
  10. That's the liberal commentariat coming out against free school meals for weans after Corbyn announced it as Labour policy. Yet another example of the yawning chasm between Scotland and England.
  11. Rick pulling him back and belching. So, so well done.
  12. Felt the episode was quite slow for a while but that some payoff at the end. Proper laughing for ages after. "That's my series arc, Morty. Even if it takes nine seasons."
  13. The kitten obvs. If only for how ludicrous the final evolution is.
  14. You spent ages saying the former without adding the latter about states moving up the queue until you were repeatedly called out on it being nonsense. You may be able to post heaps and heaps of stuff to suit your own agenda but you've been proven to selectively choose whichever evidence suits your argument which is why literally nobody believes a word you say.
  15. I'm sure you, at one point, argued there was a literal queue for membership that meant one state couldn't advance quicker than the other into the EU. You're completely dishonest and or a liar if it suits your anti-EU agenda. That's apparent from your entire time on this forum.
  16. I see Bishop Briggs is ignoring the existence of realpolitik again. Completely dishonest.
  17. Well, no. It's possible to make assertions based on what's happening. That's like the entire point of a forum.
  18. Mental that people can hit out with that when Theresa May oversaw record deportations that saw LGBT asylum seekers sent almost definitely to their deaths. Add in to that the disgraceful response to the refugee crisis and it's baffling anyone thinks a Tory gives the slightest shit about foreign nationals in this country.
  19. It's nonsense like that that has me glad Vince perpetually commits to trolling them.
  20. Hilarious man. Bet philyerboots made the accounts.
  21. Fair play Theresa May won't condemn papers that brand judges "enemies of the people" but heaven forbid someone doesn't pay due homage to easter.
  22. That was my first season as a season ticket holder. Remarkable I went back another 3 seasons.
  23. Legalise chair shots to the head for this one. Imagine how chairs being swung by Braun and Brock will sound off each other's domes.
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