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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. I agree. We shouldn't stand back and let the Tories dictate that 350 child refugees is enough for this country to manage. We should let more in and boost our economy at the same time. Thanks for helping to make the moral case alongside the economic case for further and greater immigration.
  2. I don't really see how the EU affects my life even 1% as much as the UK does. I have real problems with the EU's awful attitudes towards refugees but I don't think being out of the EU, particularly as part of the UK, would improve on that.
  3. We're so desensitised to the current world situation that I don't think we fully appreciate that the leader of the free world has beefed with a rapper over a music video he made.
  4. Theresa May claiming Scots can't vote to leave a union without a concrete plan. It shouldn't be possible for someone to consistently play themselves so frequently. If this is the best Westminster can offer then we should be embarrassed we shat it once already.
  5. Anyone could see that typical Tory arrogance towards the Jocks will only strengthen the Yes vote but they just can't help themselves. Theresa May fancies herself as the Iron Lady mk 2 but she has all the vindictiveness and none of the political ability.
  6. All you do is moan about immigration, people challenging the right of fascists to say whatever they wish with an audience and sympathise with the far right. You were asked before about what left wing beliefs you had and it sounded like the BNP's economic policy which had a deliberate intent to exclude immigrants, migrants and refugees. Just all round suspect.
  7. He contested Jo Cox's seat after her death IIRC.
  8. It does end at Dover though and within the borders if the faces aren't white.
  9. This thread's like that bit in The Thick of It when Peter Mannion's all stoked ready to deliver his findings when the PM suddenly resigns. Nobody gives a shit right now, we're voting for independence again.
  10. Sooky trying to join in the bants like he isn't a Tory that willingly throws his fellow LGBT under the bus. [emoji854]
  11. indyref is back baby. it's good again. awoouu (wolf Howl)
  12. You would lose your shit at the ones I'm wearing then.
  13. Millennials have grown up in one of the worst financial recessions in modern history, have saw the chance to own their own home rapidly diminish, are experiencing the lowest wage growth in, what, 210 years and then they have their parent's generation slagging them off for being entitled and moaning about their expectations in life.
  14. RedRob taking the looming unification of Ireland and the end of the union well again I see.
  15. Nobody in 21st century Scotland gives a shiny shit about the SNP's relations with Sinn Fein other than PUL dinosaurs who have beef with the surnames of SNP party members.
  16. RedRob taking the looming dual loss of Scotland and the dawning of the 21st century in Northern Ireland well I see.
  17. Effie Deans to prosecute every one that calls her a Tory under hate speech laws.
  18. Except when they don't sort their own nails out. Especially when they're kittens and a bit thick, like ours was. Obviously what's going on here is that you wouldn't dare go near yours cause they'd give you a doing.
  19. They're actually quite well trained when it comes to that. It was my ex's kitten and she has a pain disorder so it's best to try and keep the claws a bit blunt.
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