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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Fair play didn't realise Kendall Jenner was a WCW head.
  2. The two state solution has been dead for years. The Israeli settlements have rendered it totally unviable now. So the solution is either a mixed state, apartheid or forcibly expelling the Palestinian population to other Arab countries.
  3. Imagine thinking a lack of direct rail links from Fife to Glasgow was a lack of ambition rather than intentional design.
  4. There's so much numbers in being the first account to reply to any Trump tweet. They're all basically variations on "i'm owning you with facts, have you no decency good sir?"
  5. I'm still stuck on someone claiming Sarah Silverman, her that did blackface, is "far left". If she's "far left" to someone then I'm really interested to see where their starting point for their own views are.
  6. Aye not sure it really negates any of the white supremacist nonsense or the fact he was banned as Yank Mike for going full neo-Nazi or whatever.
  7. Not sure the "nasty nationalism"' of the Yes vote is comparable to the Unionist side. It was the Leave that put up billboards scaring people about migrants queuing to get in to Britain and David Cameron writing articles about how sad it would be if his ancestors suddenly became "foreigners".
  8. That updated UKIP poster reminds me of Stewart Lee talking about political correctness. "If political correctness has achieved anything it's made the Conservatives cloak their inherent racism in more creative language."
  9. We offered about 1/6 on Remain to win the night before the ref
  10. This is interesting. There will be a load of political capital to be gained by whoever is seen as the successor party. That alone makes me think the SNP will probably not splinter as quickly or easily as people imagine it will. Of course the only way to find out for sure is to no shite it this time and vote for independence.
  11. Of course it is but on balance I think I'd still prefer to have had the benefits the EU provides over what Brexit's offering despite whether or not the monarchy also benefits from it. I mean of course the preferred course of action would be to guillotine the Windsors but there's fat chance of that happening. At least until Charlie's in charge.
  12. Especially when this is his second hardcore conversative account in a year.
  13. The constant "well the EU gives money to the royals" stuff would be more appropriate if the Brexit camp weren't all hardcore monarchists who would happily squander more of the national budget to build the Queen a massive yacht.
  14. Loved the Trump fans using China's Great Wall as an example. Yes it took centuries to fully build and yes it was mostly symbolic but goddamn it's big have you seen it?
  15. Definitely. Entering the country illegally and bloody working for her living. Absolute disgrace.
  16. Weird how Rowling isn't sticking up for Diane Abbott after being harassed by David Davis though. [emoji848]
  17. Anyone that can tell you what a typical Commons exchange is is a massive VL and shouldn't be telling other people to get out more.
  18. Stoked for everyone on here being forced to pick a side and committing to it with blood, sweat and tears for the next 18 months. SNP TID FTQ.
  19. Brock to take a front row seat for Fastlane prompting Owens to pick up an improbable victory... With a frog splash.
  20. We already have enough difficulty in persuading men in particular to go and see a doctor about their health problems so I'm not sure trying to discourage people from seeing a GP is the sensible option.
  21. Didn't know Swampy had been naturalised as a US citizen. Congrats, mate!
  22. Bercow probably couldn't be arsed listening to Trump ramble on about FAKE NEWS and how he's totally best buds with the house and vetoed it on that principle.
  23. We went to war over a minor tract of land about 35 year ago lol.
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