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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. I read something that pointed out that if you look at past Republican presidents then it's to be expected that they will begin their presidency by noising up the Chinese so even that isn't totally out of step with US foreign policy. The real worry is that the Chinese are probably at their strongest relative to the US and might feel more confident contesting them in the Pacific.
  2. The problem is that while the genuine left would have continued to criticise Clinton and oppose large swathes of her presidency the liberal centre wouldn't and that's undeniable. Liberals love to ignore that Martin Luther King believed the white liberal to be the biggest obstruction to the civil rights cause and I haven't seen anything since Brexit or Trump's win that contradicts that.
  3. Which is why I imagine he'll be waiting a little while longer for his call up.
  4. Really think Undertaker's latter years when he was the aggressive offensive striker was among the most enjoyable wrestling matches I watched in WWE. I'm not overly fussed on the wrestling side in comparison to the drama but they were great matches to watch. Hope Taker retires soon for his own health but it will be emotional when he does. ETA Angle's entry into the HOF made me go back and watch his feud with American Badass Taker and that night when he chased Angle round the arena on his motorbike.
  5. Jammy b*****d. I'm actually trying to get on it as well heh.
  6. Calling early 2018 as the time when Alex Jones inevitably turns on Trump. That'll be some day.
  7. What's your favourite version? Mines is the Born In The USA one.
  8. You going to see them next month?
  9. So you sided with the Leavers who wanted to give the Queen a massive new yacht to celebrate Brexit?
  10. I wouldn't expect less from the sort of loser that seems to be the wrong side of 40 and uses the patter of teenage dorks on 4chan.
  11. I'll have you know I've just delivered a devastating quote tweet of Donald Trump's latest tweet and am fully expecting him to tender his resignation any minute now.
  12. We voted to leave the EU so like it or lump it Sturgeon should shut her gob and let May get on with it.
  13. Sanders to cash in his Money In The Bank contract.
  14. They've already went west. Now they're going south... And north?
  15. It says a lot about how utterly ludicrous this entire thing is that I've just saw on Twitter that the US have been feeding their cows with defective skittles since 2012 and I won't even question it.
  16. Most of the Trumps look decidedly normal which makes Eric's baby eating 14th century vampire face all the more bizarre.
  17. Stop ignoring renton because his posts are inconvenient to the nonsense you keep spouting and running away from.
  18. Referendums are a terrible way to conduct politics. The tyranny of the majority is not a good thing.
  19. Tbf it would be more of a shock if the boy's hatred of women didn't extend to those who identify as one as well.
  20. Assange doesn't have to be extradited because his fingers were crossed when he made that pledge and it's a different Chelsea Manning he was referring to.
  21. Has been amusing to watch the liberal dickheads that spent months defending the shameful incarceration of Chelsea Manning suddenly volte-facing and celebrating her release now that Obama's did the correct thing.
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