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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Bishop's Trump-esque posting style about Brexit is a real doozy.
  2. H_B back to being the clairvoyant voice of reason on here again. Nice.
  3. Frank Reynold's Little Beauties is my favourite. The Yankee Doodle bit. "Mr Gorbachev, tear down that wall".
  4. Someone's found The Yeti Hillary Clinton in the hills and she's going to be the next mayor of New York!
  5. Nah I think you'll find this land was one of constant harmony and acceptance... Until those bloody lefties pointed out race is a thing!!
  6. The SNP went into a minority government in 2007 and have spent their entire time in office in one of the worst recessions in modern history so the New Labour comparison is a bit pointless IMO.
  7. But it doesn't need to secure a Yes vote tomorrow, m8. The SNP just have to continue doing their job while the other parties flail around being utter nonentities. Your premise that the SNP have to f**k it eventually rests on the assumption there's another party waiting in their wings. There isn't.
  8. We're a few months top before this forum starts advocating scientific racism. Bookmark it.
  9. Not really. The SNP going tits up or making mistakes isn't going to change the fact that the unionist parties can't field a competent side between them. The SNP dictate the agenda and the others (barely) hing on. I mean you've been saying this nigh on a decade now and yet the SNP still sit with a massive lead in the polls while I reckon if I spent six months at it I'd be on the Labour front bench.
  10. Utterly shameless stuff from you again, H_B. Everyone on here has acknowledged for months that Sturgeon's best chance of securing independence is going through every available option beforehand and the SNP are doing just that.
  11. I didn't think people drank Dark Fruits unless they were on their way to Pressure.
  12. Swampy's values these days is about ensuring your race isn't wiped out by immigrants so I'd take what he's chatting with a massive pinch of salt.
  13. One from a few years ago. Boney M frontman Bobby Farrell died in St Petersburg on the same day of the year as the man he once sung about, Rasputin. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/music-news/8232749/Boney-M-frontman-Bobby-Farrell-died-on-same-day-as-Rasputin.html
  14. I sincerely hope and pray that the Tory party tell Scotland that they aren't allowed another chance to consider their position in the UK.
  15. Aye and if, and this is a big if, it is triggered then Scotland would have 2 years to reconsider that question.
  16. You have to give Swampy his due for committing to this account.
  17. Great storytelling here though, fair play. I was already halfway to wishing you condolences.
  18. Can't stick that section of Celtic fans on Twitter that do literally nothing but write about Rangers all the time. Never seen them discuss their own team.
  19. Aye IQ tests themselves aren't untouchable assertions of someone's intelligence.
  20. There was pictures doing the rounds on Twitter of the youngest and the lassie obviously pilled at a festival and fair play to them.
  21. Awful. It peaked in the first two series. Should've done what Limmy did and wrapped it.
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