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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. The Shield and The Wyatts are potentially two of the best stables the WWE's ever brought through. I say potentially because the latter have been largely squandered but their early promos and feuds as well as their constant presence and the idea of them is superb.
  2. I think someone worked out the "health tourist" unclaimed costs were about £200 million or 0.02% of the budget. Then again it feels a bit pointless to challenge this from an economic perspective when it's obviously ideologically motivated.
  3. Yeah this misty eyed pish for a time before post-truth politics is just that. Misty eyed pish. The first instance I can recall reading about post-truth politics was from Jim Murphy of all people.
  4. Corbyn literally dancing on the graves of dead war heroes. Disgraceful tbf.
  5. He's playing a blinder like. Fair play to the boy.
  6. Willie Rennie must be fucking sick of you, Libbers. Fair play.
  7. Aye it's odd that the man who signed off on big racist billboards during the Leave campaign would refer to the black president of the USA as a "creature" lol.
  8. Tbf from where I saw it, the deprived areas of Scotland broadly voted for independence. It's the selfish middle classholes in Edinburgh etc that fucking love the union.
  9. May treats PMQs as an opportunity to try out her stand up which tbf is about as much respect as PMQs deserves. It's been a pointless pantomime for years.
  10. Odd since the one thing the SNP can't really be criticised for is a lack of competency. I switched from the SNP to the Greens but it wasn't because of how poorly run the Scottish government is.
  11. He's talking about the pure "go here get that" quests. The Brotherhood of Steel side quests for example or the settlement relief ones in Fallout 4. They're put in so you can never technically complete the game but IMO it means sacrificing a lot of genuinely interesting storytelling to be able to state that their game can go on forever. It helps that Fallout's world can be fun as hell to run around in but there's a reason why I haven't played it in months. It gets dull, repetitive and meaningless to play.
  12. Aye Bethesda have the same obsession with trying to create an 'endless' game they just have the sense to put some content and story in the game.
  13. I'm not going to argue whether it's practical to argue for single market access just in terms of a position to adopt it allows Corbyn to ally with the SNP, bring the PLP on board whose Remain campaign focussed on the business benefits of the EU and it'll cause the Tories to hopefully publicly acknowledge whether they think sacrificing single market access is worth it to curb immigration. It's a good tactic I reckon which means he'll probs renege on it and Labour will balloon another open goal.
  14. Corbyn's suggested he will have Labour vote to block Brexit unless it retains access to the single market. Seems fair and I can't see why the PLP wouldn't back him.
  15. Always good to get WTM's viewpoint on proceedings.
  16. Sorry I never cancelled my shift at work to travel down and impose on a stranger's funeral. I'll bear that in mind next time I object to the event's wider significance and what it means for the direction our country's going in. What a roaster.
  17. ayrmad in Berlin 1938: People have their businesses ransacked every single day I don't see why I should give a shit cause these ones are Jews.
  18. The media are complicit in inciting an atmosphere whereby an MP was killed and another is receiving death threats for ensuring we follow the constitutional process in this country and then you have stupid c***s like ayrmad claiming that to find this abhorrent is faux outrage. Lol.
  19. I would be genuinely concerned if I was Gina Miller. How else will some people interpret the Telegraph's call to "fight, fight, fight".
  20. Tbf to HBK I didn't know Sturgeon said that and take back what I said. That's shameful IMO and not worth defending.
  21. Also David Cameron literally based part of his campaign around how distraught he would feel at his ancestors becoming *whispers* foreigners.
  22. Difference is the Yes campaign didn't even remotely pander to the lunatic ethnonationalist vote whereas the UK govt is using EU migrants as a bargaining chip in Brexit negotiations lol.
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