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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. I get the crowd having problems with the directions WWE are taking but half the time I don't blame Vince going out of his way to piss them off tbh.
  2. Triple threat. Reigns to floor Strowman and literally kill Taker for supernova level heat.
  3. An opinion like that shared on here by a P&B poster would lead to at least 6 permabans and 200 pages.
  4. Wish whoever hacked Corbyn's account back last year was still in charge of it.
  5. Nah I'm just going to enjoy the mental image of Brock Lesnar suplexing a six year old.
  6. That's like saying a six year old and Brock Lesnar are arseholes. One has a greater capacity to cause harm acting like an arsehole.
  7. Khan just highlights how much the liberal centre are dead as an ideology in 2017. They have no idea how to respond to the political mood and they genuinely can't fathom why they're being abandoned in droves by the general public.
  8. Fake news! Deplorable said this doesn't happen. Sad!
  9. Ack it's alright he can just obliterate Mexico and secure himself another term.
  10. Can't be bothered quoting but everyone has a right to an opinion but not everyone has a right to a platform and the vast majority of child abuse victims don't then turn into pieces of shit like Milo did.
  11. But you clearly have some issue with Milo being brought down for supporting noncing.
  12. Hillary Benn's a snake and his da's burling in his grave so if that's the best they've got then I doubt the Tories are bothered.
  13. Aye Milo was doing good work outing trans students on his university tour and blackmailing female employees of his with sex tapes so he didn't have to pay them. He did exceptionally good work when he instigated a racist pile on via his Twitter account and was subsequently banned for it.
  14. And I didn't say it was I just can't be gassed trying to find the correct term. You're doing your usual thing where you think that a government sticking to the law absolves them of the abhorrent shit that they're doing and you're sounding like Robbie Travers in the process.
  15. Naw it isnae. The point is the Israelis don't have resort to, obviously objectionable, guerilla tactics when they're the occupier armed to the teeth and sending troops and missiles all over the Strip.
  16. Well, equating Brexit negotiations with, er, negotiations but continue with what you're doing on the Trump thread it's a doozy.
  17. Insanely good how easily jmo works the marks on here. Keep it up.
  18. The one thing I will say for Milo is that he's made his career in the liberal centre and right giving him carte blanche to attack any and every minority that he sees fit as well as excusing his attempts to blackmail female employees so he must've thought they'd excuse his justification for noncing. It also makes a mockery of the people that have suddenly decided that his free speech does indeed have limits. But then he shouldn't have a career anyway and should've been rejected from every campus he tried to visit and spread his poisonous shit.
  19. Also ignoring that Tatchell has faced a barrage of criticism from the left. This whataboutery is utterly bizarre though.
  20. There's no need to hide your weapons in hospitals when you have modern state of the art bombing equipment, US backing and a near total blockade on your enemy lol.
  21. This latest attempt would have more validity if Peter Tatchell hadn't also been condemned by plenty on the left for these views, his alignment with TERFs and in general just being a fanny.
  22. Enjoying the idea that the UK won't have to pay anything after Brexit. It reminds me of when Lenin considered ending the war with Germany and refuse to conclude a formal peace at the same time.
  23. Once again, thank you H_B for driving oaksoft into this long burning meltdown.
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