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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. The vast majority of abuse victims don't end up an absolute scumbag like Milo though so I'm not sure what you're trying to do here other than white knight for a nonce-enabling, blackmailing, racist, transphobic and misogynistic bigot tbh.
  2. I guess it wouldn't surprise me anymore but I don't see how any prominent Scottish politician could argue the "handing your independence over to the EU" line when all of them were massive Europhiles.
  3. Yeah not sure invoking that South Park episode where Kyle's brother's shagging the teacher is much of a defence but then I don't know what there is to gain from defending a nonce enabler.
  4. You have to be cruel to condemn people to a lifetime of Tory government and the ravages of a post-Brexit Britain based on some PUL nonsense that's as pathetically outdated as it is narrow-minded IMO.
  5. I'm laughing at Bishop Briggs managing to take Milo being a massive nonce enabler and somehow turning that into an anti-EU and also Scottish independence position.
  6. Haven't the foggiest. Just assumed that advocating noncery is probably enough to give up fanboying for Milo but I have actually seen people online defending him so who knows.
  7. banana was a huge fan. The worst part about this video is it's the first time he's sounded truly sincere in an opinion.
  8. Well, aye, but Trump had a slogan that was less about himself and more about the forgotten Americans. I mean it's transparent as heck but it's still less "I'm the protagonist of my own reality" than "I'm With Her".
  9. And "I'm With Her" turning the presidential campaign into her own personal triumph rather than, y'know, something which affects millions of people.
  10. What's seen as a throw of the dice is going to resonate with the bottom of the rung more than the status quo. Trump didn't win the election in as much as Clinton lost it. Obama won on a platform of change whereas Clinton was countering Trump's slogans with "America is already great" when many blatantly don't believe that it is.
  11. Hahaha well exactly. Politicians in this country as well love to justify their own xenophobia and anti-migrant sentiment by banging on about us thick working class yobs
  12. They should be going for him. Farage was flapping as soon as he was questioned about Nuttall trying to capitalise on a tragedy that he had no connection to.
  13. The man is an idiot but remember that the Trump vote was consistent among all the educated classes. What linked them was that they were white. Racism and xenophobia has a long intellectual history and we need to move away from the narrative that it's just the thickos that are embracing far right ideology.
  14. Aye we're certainly being led astray by media reporting on Trump and not y'know the live press conferences and his personal Twitter account.
  15. Not surprised Edgarus is upset about pewdiepie being roasted for his edgy anti-semitism.
  16. Mate I haven't the first clue what swampy looks like and I don't really care that much either way because the guy's been banned once for being a massive racist. I don't want to waste my time arguing with someone who's hit out with crackers about blacks having a cultural problem with wealth and left wingers being naturally more "retarded" on the account where he's toning it down. If you think that adds something then by all means keep stanning for the guy.
  17. No it isn't. Giving creationist nutjobs a platform to spread their message allow them to spread their message. Deplorable/ swampy/ Yank Mike was banned for being a heavy racist and debating his views shows that you at least finds his views worth debating. I don't.
  18. Fair play HB utterly destroyed oaksoft's sanity with the graduates leaving Scotland stuff.
  19. Fair play didn't realise Kendall Jenner was a WCW head.
  20. The two state solution has been dead for years. The Israeli settlements have rendered it totally unviable now. So the solution is either a mixed state, apartheid or forcibly expelling the Palestinian population to other Arab countries.
  21. Imagine thinking a lack of direct rail links from Fife to Glasgow was a lack of ambition rather than intentional design.
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