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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. I'm at October 2014 on the Network and really stoked to see how they balls up Reigns who's been an absolute beast so far.
  2. The slow burning of his heel persona was good as well. Spent months basically calling Bryan a nerd and a loser then let it develop naturally. Always felt much more real than King's pointless cheering for the heels when he was alongside JR.
  3. His WWE title run was poorly booked for ages. Just left in midcard feuds with Jericho and Del Rio.
  4. Heel Michael Cole was Actually Good and made the commentary genuinely entertaining.
  5. Just because something isn't shocking doesn't mean you shouldn't be outraged at it.
  6. Haven't you already started a thread about this? Go download the network and relive those days then. It's a steal at a tenner a month.
  7. Second the Cena is a fucking lunatic shouts. Watching Total Bellas and it's a scream. Enjoying Daniel Bryan in the Jim from The Office to Cena's Michael Scott role though.
  8. Would be good if the discourse in the UK and US wasn't unanimously focused on sabre rattling with the Russians tbh. I quite like the idea of avoiding nuclear armageddon.
  9. The reason I quite enjoy Russia Today is it's so so awful at pretending to be remotely impartial so it's easy to watch without taking anything in you shouldn't.
  10. Russia Today has had its accounts frozen with no recourse to appeal the decision. Comes just a day after Joe Biden and Boris Johnson were arguably ramping up a bit more Russophobia.
  11. RedRob's a proper screamer. "A warm and welcoming family of nations" Hate crimes on the rise, a Polish man literally beaten near to death in a constituency represented by someone channelling Enoch Powell and a pro-migrant MP murdered by a fascist. "Why do people still want to come here though? We must be a great nation." Aye maybe if you ignore literally all modern history and geopolitics you could make that judgment.
  12. Cause we decimated their economies and pillaged their natural resources under the British Empire and they're trying to escape the after effects of it?
  13. This is the most hopelessly nationalistic post on the entire forum. You can hear Rule Britannia faintly in the background while you read it. Anyway stoked for indyref2. Can't wait to bottle it again.
  14. Well they did say they were taking us back to the glorious days of Empire. I didn't think they meant it literally but there you go.
  15. You get your VL status back as soon as you buy up Bitcoin though.
  16. Wales was a net beneficiary of the EU and hardly has any migration. What else was their motivation for Brexit other than being fucking diddies who tag along with the English?
  17. Great idea tbf. They should call it Ausländerzentralkartei and give proper credit to where they've got the policy from.
  18. Jeremy Hunt confirming that EU migrants are bargaining chips for the Tory government. Bet the Lexit crowd are still sure escaping the stifling EU bureaucracy was a good idea.
  19. Absolute nick of us voting to stay with them. What a riddy.
  20. Amber Rudd now claiming only select universities will be able to take in foreign students. This can be taken as a deliberate targeting of the mid level former polytechnics and colleges surely?
  21. So do most people while everyone will acknowledge and accept that we are heavily reliant on bringing in foreign doctors. This is why what May and Hunt are saying is wilfully stupid. There's no chance of them plugging the gap while Hunt completely alienates anyone thinking of joining the profession in this country. It's fascinating to see opinion polls supporting that May has done a good job as PM when she's coming across as an ideological dinosaur on grammar schools and dangerously stupid on Brexit and this.
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