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Posts posted by Todd_is_God

  1. For your own death wish ..

    Rest of you train spotters keep out this

    You have my number and get in touch funny man ..

    Ive Pmd you and will met you anywhere .. Just me and You..

    No threats just one met ..

    Again Anywhere home or away and lets see who's laughing..

    You either come forward or i'll find you



    12 Ruel Street

  2. Agree, however (correct me if I'm wrong), is Scottish money legal tender.........?

    No banknotes are legal tender in Scotland.

    Take english notes to england and you won't have a problem, take scottish notes and you may. Much as it's a nuisance, they aren't doing wrong (other than turning down business).

    Areas with high volumes of Scottish tourists are more willing to accept them i find. Likely because their staff are more familiar with them.

  3. The latest trend appears to be putting a screengrab of the weather forecast for your holiday destination, tagging your fellow travellers in it, and proclaiming how many days it is until you go.

    This, naturally, is followed up with the pint pic from the airport wetherspoons, then, upon return, a massive album from the holiday, which must contain a picture of out the window, in the air, of one of the plane's engines.

    f**k off.

  4. Someone once told me that due to being absolutely pished you are not actually getting rem sleep and are more like being in a state of unconsciousness so even sleeping a long time your mind is still tired and struggles to function the next day. Probably talking shite though!

    Alcohol brings your blood sugar levels down. When they get too low, your sleep gets disrupted.

  5. "Roision ya fukin wurstcunt who the f**k yu hink yu ir pannin ma windaes fir nae fukin reeson atall wen aff got ma wee bro nd shit in heer honestly proper wurstcunt aw yur windows ar gawni be dun jst for eh fact eh that acho smashin ma windaes fir fuk awl who dae yu acho hink yu ir !!!!!!"

    A friend of a friend.


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