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knee jerk reaction

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Posts posted by knee jerk reaction

  1. So glad I looked in here, had totally missed the super Nintendo online stuff! Started the zelda game, don't think I'll leave the house for six months or so now  :lol:. Also got the new zelda, really like the look of it although not had much chance to play it yet. 

    Has anyone seen the trailer for the ring fit adventure? I think it looks ok in a Wii fit type way but my wean thinks it looks horrific! 

  2. 2 hours ago, badgerthewitness said:

    So you're criticising our sense of entitlement but think we're entitled to better?

    Lol, you do have a point there :lol: I think wshould be doing better but football goes in cycles,  good times, bad times etc. Reading on here at times and you'd think we've been a basket case of a club basically forever!

  3. 3 hours ago, Marshmallo said:

    In case you've missed it, Falkirk are in League One. The third tier, below Alloa, Arbroath and Queen of the South. That is completely unacceptable and is down to a decade of gross mismanagement. The club has provided point and laugh material to the country over that full timescale on a regular basis.

    True we are in league one, we should be higher up but raith, dunfermline, morton and other similar teams have all been there recently, thistle could be next, the obvious point (if you take away the anger you feel when we're not doing well) is we are not to big to be in league 1. 

  4. If MC takes over then over the next 20 years he has to win a scottish cup or get to a few finals, be in the top league at least 30% of the time, get in Europe  more than once, don't release any bad club statements and if things go wrong on the pitch then keep backing the manager (or change them quickly) to do better than the MSG/board have done, no wonder we are hounding them out, non bairns must look at us compared with real basket case clubs and think WTF, almost old firm fan type of entitlement. 

    That said, scrapping the academy, the terrible way we appointed ray, and the badly judged statements have meant the last few seasons have been an absolute disaster, the EGM showed the communication between board members was so bad and we could as a club be run far better. We really are at a crossroads now, without being ITK I do think there will be a takeover (MC or A.N Other) the board want out, we can only hope new owners are good for the club not charlatans out to scam the club. 

    Anyway, to quote Ray "the season starts today" COYB.

  5. 7 hours ago, mic_17_uk said:

    What kind of reception is MC gonna get? Do you think he'll be in the South stand, in with the real fans?

    (I've never been in the south stand BTW)

    Not sure about MC but if he buys me a pint in the south stand bar before the game then I'm solidly behind his bid! Due to work I haven't been at the last 2 away games (or the challenge cup game) so I'm expecting a dumbarton type pummeling for forfar as Ray drives us to the league #wrappedupforxmas #100points 

  6. 3 hours ago, Bigbrbairn said:
    5 hours ago, AL-FFC said:
    tbf its already been mentioned that members of the board read/posted on here if they didnt take on those concerns after reading regardless what you think of the posts they are situations that could be played out, given the way they have handled everything else and made a monumental arse up of it, they might actually listen/read to how others see the situation rather than their own judgement.

    Sadly it's their bank balance not their moral attitude that will prevail

    Why would they be overwhelmingly concerned with their bank balance? The big shareholders bought the club to save it from liquidation, they are apparently millionaires and from what was said on here, are selling their shares for around £400,000 so I doubt very much money is the major motive.  I'd say it's pretty obvious the board read this, everything from getting rid of Houston, backing hartley, getting away from "lazy hibs/hearts reject signings" sacking hartley etc has been the majority view on here (pre hindsight obviously) maybe we'd have done better if the board had ignored the majority views.

    Anyway, didn't come on here for a rant, for the first time ever I'm ITK. At tomorrow's game one of the former players in hospitality is one Alan Gow, any p&b bairns getting some hospitality through at airdrie tomorrow could maybe find out a bit from him about takeovers...

    (Think we should all finish sentences with... #belikemarkcampbellok )

  7. The clyde game at brockville on that Tuesday night was horrendous, one of the few games I every left early. I knew it was a Tuesday as we had a pool match after the game. Can also remember the game in the snow at shawfield, we always seemed to pump clyde through there back then! Hopefully we can keep thing going on Saturday with another good win.

  8. Hope this colts thing doesn't take off in other countries, imagine a Real Madrid  b team winning a league but a wee team going up as they aren't allowed to go up, this could ruin world football. Maybe a couple of years ago colts could've been parachuted into the leagues but with the highland/lowland pyramid now operating where exactly would the colts go? Hardly worth getting steamed up about and not going to games over. With 1700 there last night and reading the posts on here, looks like we have a Seville calculator working in reverse :lol:

  9. Did we boycott when they started home teams keeping the gate money in the league giving the old firm a massive advantage (1980 I think)? No. Did we boycott when the league split so the top teams could get more tv cash? No. If by some miracle we got to the champions league would we boycott a competition that is virtually rigged to suit a few big clubs in a few leagues? No. But anyone going to a challenge cup game v a colt team, scabs, it's time to make a stand, save scottish football etc etc... 

  10. For a supposed incompetent board they've masterminded a plot over months that Agatha Christie would be proud off. If it's all a put up job that ends with the MSG still in charge and BTB on the board, then why not just do that exact same thing last November!! Still absolute disgrace the board backing the manager yet again, exactly the sort of shenanigans we could do without, it's almost as if they want us to do well...

  11. I see what you're all saying about the btb bid, but surely the MSG could sell to the fans for 800k as the funding would be available rather than using it to dilute their shareholding? They would then get 800k instead of 400k, I don't see what they gain from going with Mark Campbell's bid when they could obviously get more and leave the club in fan's hands. Unless he is the real deal and is going to transform the club

  12. Where can you buy the club for 400k? Btb was going to raise 800k to get 25% so how  can the club be getting sold for 400k? Is there not over 2 million £1 shares in falkirk, the original  btb bid was the MSG were willing to dilute their shareholding in the club at a reduced price to btb so we would own 25% , why would they now sell 62% for half that? Unless I'm reading something wrong here 

    21 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:


    I will repeat that the proof of funding is secondary to me now. I am sure he can show the club he has money to buy them out.

    Once he has the club for c400k he and his people can do with it what they wish.

    We have just got to be sure he won’t turn us over and look after the club once the sale has gone through. You can do all the DD you wish but there has to be a judgment call in all this based on someone’s past, integrity and track record.



  13. If what I've read is correct, then we don't have any overdraft facility and would require a change in our club's articles to achieve this, also 25% of shareholders is enough to block any change. Surely this gives some degree of protection if this guy is a conman (that's if I'm right in what I'm saying, someone more business minded might be able to confirm)

  14. 3 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    Mixed feelings TBH. Wanted to see the club safely in the hands of the fans however if I am realistic some of the MSG were never going to sell to the supporters and the names will come out in time who they were.


    A couple of things I can share is that BTB have been asked to go and meet Mark Campbell on Monday.


    I believe he has bought all 62% of the MSG’s shares meaning that offer will need to be made to all shareholders. Not sure if another EGM would be need to get this through or not but suspect it will be.


    I would be surprised now if there is not a complete clearout of the Board. I hope so anyway. If I was KK I would go back to my day job.


    Would be excellent news if the btb are to get involved and started building a fan's shareholding 

  15. Would've preferred the fan's bid, especially if money from fans could've been ongoing till the whole club was fan run and fans keeping money coming in. It'd have also had the safeguard of a constitution and a minimum 25% fan's block of shares to enforce the constitution. Would've been by far the best long term result for the club. However without knowing anyone on the preferred bidders bid, I hope they do what they say and things go well, can only wait and see #COYB

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