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knee jerk reaction

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Posts posted by knee jerk reaction

  1. Happy to be where we are at the moment, I'd have taken 4 points clear going into the new year before the season started. The last 2 games have been disappointing especially as we looked like we were playing good stuff up to the airdrie game. On the other hand there isn't a team in this league to be scared of including the last 2 opponents.

  2. 1 minute ago, ShaggerG said:

    Fingers crossed that that won't happen, I'd rather win it on the park than by default and have some of our fans acting the billy big baws like  many Raith fans did!

    To be fair and if things keep going the way they are our position would be more like Celtic, United or Cove last season than Raith.

    Good results again, just keep going the way we are and hope everyone else keep cutting each other's throats.

  3. Reading the last few pages and once again find myself wondering if the trolls on here, Facebook, Twitter and social media in general act the same in real life or are ok in real life but for some reason act differently online. Fortunately loads of drink this weekend will blot out the more inane posts from some of the recent visitors to our thread! Also we'll have a game to talk about as well, thankfully 

  4. Thought 4 was very harsh on us, plenty positives the biggest being Connelly back as he improves us massively. Once Kenna is back we are stronger again a strong run in December and with the transfer window open in January (if needed) and we could be in a very strong position this season. Games v thistle and airdrie are huge.

  5. Do give a damn about today's game, we might be very unlikely to win but that's no reason to just give up on the game especially as it's v them, pumping them and celtic are some of the best times ever to be a bairn so no matter how slim the chance get right f****** into them COYB

    p.s I'm just finishing a night shift so the above post is not due to drink.

  6. 8 hours ago, roman_bairn said:

    Never mind the fact that he scored the winner I thought he played well.
    Funny how differently people can see a game....

    I probably didn't put myself across to well in that post. I didn't think Morrison had a bad game or was poor just that I thought he didn't play as well on Saturday compared with his other games for us where he's been excellent. 

  7. I thought the midfield struggled on Saturday, Alston and Leitch were anonymous. Hopefully Alston can get back to how we know he can play and Leitch has been ok but got to agree Connolly would be 1st choice. I also thought we did better up front and at the back on Saturday, Hall come onto a game and Sammon did well. Good performance considering our best player so far this season (Morrison) had probably his worst game for us. We've still players to come back so a win on Tuesday would set up the cup game nicely.

  8. Anyone who seen what Hartley did at Falkirk should've been enough to make sure his next job was as a window cleaner! Nepotism is good for some folk. As for today as long as M&M put the attacking heads on we should be fine. Partick looked ordinary at best when we went at them unfortunately we have this 1 up lets hang on attitude (or a draw will do like at kirkcaldy last season) instead of killing teams off we could be beating!

  9. 9 hours ago, bejazz1 said:


    Absolute shite...

    I love watching the EPL does that make me a less of a Falkirk fan?

    Incidents like watching all Scottish teams in Europe and hope they all do well?

    Me bad FFS🤏


    No the epl team doesn't, loads of folk have soft spots for teams in England and other countries, I can even see how supporting or wanting Scottish teams to do well in Europe is ok. However with the massive money rangers/celtic get from Europe plus the advantages built into exploiting (or at least turning a blind eye) to sectarianism for the best part of 100 years then I couldn't want either of them to ever win any game in Europe or anywhere else. We have turned a virtual duopoly, where a hearts or Aberdeen occasionally had a chance of a league win into an actual duopoly. A restructuring of all prize money is needed or greed will kill competition all over Europe, which I suppose was the whole point of the champions league 

  10. Mind we appointed a manager who was going well, with a bit of experience and good contacts in the game, looking for the next step up in his career. Can anyone mind how Hartley did with us? Anyone reading the last few pages would thing no manager has ever succeeded in their first post or that no joint managers have ever worked. So far we have dropped 2 points away to partick and had a freak result v forfar (it's not like mutch goes about punching people ever other game!)

    Beat cove and get a few players back from injury and everything is looking much better

  11. I always said the football side is the manager's responsibility and the board are responsible for picking a manager, hartley wasn't  a bad pick at the time without hindsight. So is good to now know the board were picking the players and the team, and none of it was wee Paul's fault, poor scone sold down the river by the big bad board... Always wondered if Hartley got anything financially from all those deals as said by roman bairn even semi competent managers have a look or assess players. I don't really see Hartley as the type of guy who would just accept the board pulling the strings 

  12. Only threatened when behind, we were quite content to soak up pressure and hope for a 1 nil win. Showed how poor partick were once we started going forward. Can't comment on start of game or either of our goals due to the terrible live stream from thistle, late starting and cut out numerous times during the game. 

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