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knee jerk reaction

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Posts posted by knee jerk reaction

  1. Does anyone know how long before Connolly is back from injury? He's such a big miss for us. I've been impressed with dowds since restart, neillson looks a player, deveney didn't look bad and you have to wonder how he hasn't had a chance. I'd look at dropping Alston, Leitch and Hall (was horrendous v Arbroath) Francis has been better but couldn't get worse to be honest. Good chance to kick on now but league really could've been wrapped up by now 

  2. I'm not saying we'll go up this season, I'm not saying we'd go up from the championship next season we could easily not go up or if we do struggle in the championship but anyone who thinks we can't even potentially match the colossal achievements of those newly promoted giants of the game....err raith rovers in the championship then they need their head examined! 

  3. Some of the posts on here are incredible, you would think the gulf between league 1 and the championship was massive, filled with tactical genius managers playing football in a style our managers couldn't comprehend. No matter what you think of our managers there was no difference between us and raith last season and look where raith are at the moment, settle for mid table next season? Aye right, if we go up we look to go up again plenty teams have done it, we might not but aiming for anything else is unacceptable 

  4. If it was upto me (and it isn't) the people who should be quoted as "Mr/Mrs/Ms Falkirk" aren't guys like Totten but the volunteers who help round the club. That photo of Totten has Sarah Scott in there, the amount of work she did for the junior bairns and the benefits the club have got from that has been immense how many fans that might have slipped into the old firm support were brought back by the junior bairns? Or guys who run buses for no reward year after year.

  5. Like shadwell, I'm reading MR's book. I can't help but think the stadium could've been a fantastic money making asset but always compromising with the council and never having enough cash to go our own way seriously hampered us. 

    On another note did anyone else get update letter from the club, including chance to buy more shares (minimum spend only £400!!) I might buy some more shares, need to have a wee think about it.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Gaz said:

    I said back then that our board didn't want us to get promoted. Too much hassle for them. They could have had nice games against Rangers, Hearts and Hibs without the added inconvenience of being an SPL side.

    This has been getting said over and over again and not just about falkirk. When we didn't go up after a few years in the early 80s it was said every year till we went up, is absolute rubbish. Playing devil's advocate here, if we went up with all the extra cash involved from tv, prize money etc and stayed up we'd have nice games v Celtic, Aberdeen plus even our board could see Rangers, hibs, hearts would be up in the top league pretty quickly so we could play them all in no time, so why wouldn't we want to go up?

  7. Like shadwell, I've just started the Martin Ritchie book. I'm only 30 odd pages in but he has already written twice about how the administration rules are different today. I know a lot has been made about how we paid off every penny of debt and we have claimed the moral high ground over a few clubs since then but I get the feeling we might have went the 1p in the pound route if it was allowed back then. Currently working my way through the Ritchie book and the latest Michael White history as well so plenty of Falkirk reading to get on with, hopefully keep me off here as this forum without games on is a scary, scary place, lol.

  8. 1 minute ago, roman_bairn said:

    What is it you don’t understand about every single business in the country trying to protect their business interests just now?
    I’m no fan of the SPFL but criticising the fact that there will always be a conundrum between protecting the public and business interests seems ludicrous to me....

    Is not so much that, it's that the spfl is supposed to represent all clubs but smaller clubs quite simply don't get treated fairly

  9. Of course it's to protect the tv deal, they need to look like they're doing something tough with all the outcry over the celtic trip but can't do anything to affect the tv deal. The championship sides are lucky not to have been thrown under the bus to protect the tv deal this time but the spfl board wouldn't hesitate to screw championship sides over if it came to it. 

  10. German clubs all cancelled trips during their leagues winter break as it was the right thing to do, unfortunately celtic have a huge support including those who couldn't find parkhead on a map so we have a government that needs to look like it's being tough but not wanting to upset a huge number of voters, so we get screwed again while the catalyst for this gets away with a very stern talking too, just bol*ocks again. 

  11. Not a great cup draw, best possible result would be the game not being televised so (if we get into the next round) we get a split of celtic ppv. I know they don't do that for league games but as their season ticket doesn't cover cups then it could be a money spinner. Also lucky the game is on Tuesday as this thread when there isn't a game on is a horrendous read.

  12. Not read any posts today, will look tomorrow but just going to say we've had 2 bad results going into today without playing that badly but today we were terrible everywhere, a defence that can't win a header, no midfield (gomis excepted) and nothing up front, worst performance by a mile this season. On the plus side I'm off this weekend so can use alcohol to blur today's game!

  13. Happy to be where we are at the moment, I'd have taken 4 points clear going into the new year before the season started. The last 2 games have been disappointing especially as we looked like we were playing good stuff up to the airdrie game. On the other hand there isn't a team in this league to be scared of including the last 2 opponents.

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