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knee jerk reaction

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Posts posted by knee jerk reaction

  1. Would be nice to get another striker in but there's an obvious difference from last season in that we have goals coming in from midfield (hopefully).

    Will be good to see a big crowd on Saturday, and going on into the season will be very good to enjoy a pre match pint in the south stand bar. Does anyone know the date when this optimistic forward looking attitude gets crushed into the dirt this season? 

  2. 16 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

    Brockville was "home" to Meadowbank for one Skol Cup match as we'd drawn Hearts at home and couldn't play them at The Concrete Lavvypan 

    We were in the paddock in front of the stand. Henry Smith was in the Hearts goal. During a lull in play I decided to shout out "HENRY!" He turned round and we all shouted "F*CK OFF!" at him.

    Brockville was certainly some place when it was rocking 

    I went to that game, supported meadowbank for the night in the enclosure with their fans. Got to say their fans were superb that night, had a good laugh with them and at hearts.

  3. Can't really add anything to what's been said on here already, most enjoyable game in ages with a team that actually looks like a football team not everyone on there own running about. Will see, not just Saturday but how we go on into the league but positive signs.

    Hopefully I'll be able to admire the falkirk p&b posters go through an entire season taking the edge off any victory, is a fantastic tradition we have. From seasons gone by we have "it's a good result BUT we were up against the worst Hibs/Rangers/United team ever" to the present day "we looked good BUT we were only playing Rovers/Cove/Airdrie etc..." never change p&b, never change.

  4. I got a season ticket and am going to go to the Albion game and then use the streaming option for game v Hamilton. 1st game I'm working after it so should be good to actually get to a game. 2nd game I can use the flexibility of streaming or going to stadium to have a drink with others while watching the game at home as I'm not working after the game. The set up at the moment works for me till things get back to normal and we can get back to moaning about scottish cup finals and other games we were spoiled with while under the MSG :lol:  only kidding, not wanting to start a riot on here, just hope we come out flying and can be challenging for promotion to the top flight next season (see Raith last season as an example)


  5. Honestly doesn't matter what the club does at the moment if we sign a player people will moan, if we don't sign a player people will moan. Rush to get new manager in, moan, take our time getting new manager, moan. Season ticket on sale...moan. live streams....moan. I know we've been crap the last few season's doesn't mean ever single thing we do is wrong. Said it before but if we signed Messi folk would be on here moaning that we didn't go for Ronaldo. Is almost as  depressing reading this thread as it was watching us last season and that's a moan by me there. 

  6. 2 hours ago, MSG GTF! said:

    More and more people are finally starting to see the Board for what they are. Agenda driven ars*holes with no interest in what’s best for the Club.

    With the MSG in charge we were within 1 game of a scottish cup win (twice) and going up to the premiership also with them in charge the last few years have been a disaster as bad as anything we've ever had. Apart from anger at the way things have went have you any proof or reason why the board have no interest in what's best for the club? MR and SA are supporters so why would they want the club to do badly? Surely the board and hangers on we keep hearing about would rather swan about at away games v celtic/rangers/hearts/Aberdeen etc than forfar/Montrose etc and would rather have the sky cameras covering games at the stadium with the big teams and players. 

    I'd say (and this is opinion only as I don't know any of them) the people in charge want us to do brilliant and be successful, bad judgement and incompetence play a part rather than having no interest in what's best for the club. 

    I apologise in advance for the unpopular opinion, lol.

  7. Just a few things from this thread, we aren't going to end up like clyde or airdrie, moving out of Glasgow and airdrie for years screwed their crowds and teams. Yes being crap hits your support but more like raith over last couple of seasons rather than the other 2 teams. 

    We need to (again) rebuild next season and unless you're completely daft or not a bairn's fan then surely even if we scrap though somehow then rebuilding in the championship is better than in league 1. 

    MR and SA are millionaires, they are not dependent of Falkirk fc making money or selling season tickets to make their cash, so this we'll get rid of them if we stay down is just crap. Things are changing off the pitch, hopefully on the pitch will also improve. 

    And on the pitch 1st game v cove or montrose and our full team were better, last game v airdrie at home they took their chance in an even game. Morton are worse than arbroath. We still can go up and I'd take that any day of the week. If you want to know why, 1st game next season could potentially be home or away to dundee or killie or home or away to peterhead, which would you prefer? 



  8. Been reading the thread and while I understand why people want things over and done with, I'd rather we (somehow) scrapped through the play offs. Rebuilding in the championship with chance of heading upwards is surely better than another season in league 1. Hopefully change is coming now throughout the club, boardroom right down to the players. Doesn't feel right talking about Stainrod and then comparing that horrow show from last night.

  9. 2 hours ago, the optimist said:
    On 28/04/2021 at 08:45, knee jerk reaction said:
    Are we playing a team with the defensive strength of the greatest Italian teams combined with the flair up front of the great 1970 Brazil team and with individuals who can reach Messi or Ronaldo heights or Partick bloody thistle on Thursday? The Facebook page gets slaughtered (mostly rightly) for its overwhelming positivity and happy clapping but sometimes we should hold a mirror up to ourselves the overwhelming negativity is frightening. We have a very hard game v partick that if we win leaves a home game v Montrose and away to an airdrie team likely to be their under 12s as they rest players for the play offs.
    Very hard but not unwinnable game on Thursday that if we do win puts us in an absolutely fantastic position. 
    As a slight aside, does anyone know if the game is discounted to compensate for the 1st game stream at firhill? They were going to discount 2nd game at firhill in march before season stopped and I haven't seen anything about it since. It may only be a fiver but it's still better in my pocket that PTFC.

    I emailed them and got a discount code for tonight to use with original username and password.

    I've emailed, still waiting for reply. Could you say what contact email you used? 


  10. 2015/16 scottish cup final was hibs v rangers. Any idea how these 2 teams have done since? But we were playing nobody back then apparently, utter rubbish on here to pretend it's been all downhill since Eddie May! At any other time we would've walked the championship by 20 points, our team with Valks and the rest was as good as almost any falkirk side in the last 50 years.

    Anyway roll on Thursday :thumsup2

  11. 1 hour ago, Gaz said:

    The COYB page gets slaughtered for its overwhelming positivity because there has been virtually nothing at all to be positive about for 12 years.

    The negativity on here is entirely justified.

    So nothing positive since 2009? 2 Scottish cup finals and competing equally with 2 of the best teams in the country in rangers and hibs. I won't disagree if you say nothing positive since housties last season.

    1 hour ago, Rugster said:

    It’s a tenner. 

    I know but I'm looking at them honouring the discount so I'd pay a fiver and still have a fiver in my pocket not Patrick thistles 

  12. Are we playing a team with the defensive strength of the greatest Italian teams combined with the flair up front of the great 1970 Brazil team and with individuals who can reach Messi or Ronaldo heights or Partick bloody thistle on Thursday? The Facebook page gets slaughtered (mostly rightly) for its overwhelming positivity and happy clapping but sometimes we should hold a mirror up to ourselves the overwhelming negativity is frightening. We have a very hard game v partick that if we win leaves a home game v Montrose and away to an airdrie team likely to be their under 12s as they rest players for the play offs.

    Very hard but not unwinnable game on Thursday that if we do win puts us in an absolutely fantastic position. 


    As a slight aside, does anyone know if the game is discounted to compensate for the 1st game stream at firhill? They were going to discount 2nd game at firhill in march before season stopped and I haven't seen anything about it since. It may only be a fiver but it's still better in my pocket that PTFC.


  13. Isn't the "hartley never seen any of the players he signed" just an urban myth that doesn't become true if repeated often enough. Pretty sure bainsford bairn said he had seen most of the players pre signing. 

    If everything is the boards fault and you offered me the same again since they've be in charge over the next 20 years, cup finals with a chance to win last game, some years in top flight and 1 season in 3rd flight (no pandemic to make it 2!) I'd take it

  14. Hartley should never have got a job in football again nevermind back at us. If our manager's ever field at team that should be at least 4 down at home at half time v forfar or can't get out their own half like v Queen of the south fair enough but to compare Miller/Mccracken, McKinnon, Houston, Presley, Yogi or even Eddie May to what Hartley did with us is a joke.

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