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knee jerk reaction

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Posts posted by knee jerk reaction

  1. Would agree with bairn in exile about the old home top there, one of the best ever, simple and stylish. However I'd disagree about new top, like the home one, away one does nothing for me though. With no-one sure when things will get back to normal, hopefully people will order tops/strips online, to misquote tesco at the moment every little helps the club keep going.

  2. Crowds getting into stadiums could be a fair bit down the line, if games can be played behind closed doors then charge £10 per game on Falkirk tv (other clubs do the same) so falkirk get £10 whether game is home or away, all clubs do the same and hopefully clubs get enough viewers to keep going next season. The 50:50 draw we've been doing shows how online demand can grow week on week. I realise broadcast  rules would need to be changed and there is a lot of work to be done on players safety etc but this could be the way to keep clubs going next season till stadiums are considered safe again.

  3. In 5 weeks up to 1st May in England and Wales only there was an above average death count of 50,000 in FIVE weeks. Being topical with anniversary of VE day just gone, In 6 years world war 2 caused under 500,000 uk deaths so this virus has caused over 10% of the deaths WW2 caused in 5 weeks! We have failed badly to protect thousands of doctors, nurses etc but dawson park boy somehow expect us to just go back to normal and just isolate millions of older or vulnerable people with no problems. So how many lives a week is worth stalling the economy for? 10,000 like now? 20,000 to 50,000? 100,000 plus? 

  4. Another reminder that if I were to win the euro millions like that partick fan, don't buy Falkirk fc. The posters criticising the statement are the same posters who would be criticising the club if we said nothing, it'd be club are just taking this lying down or we've rolled over to get our belly rubbed, I'm out etc etc. European football needs reconstruction not just our game, giving huge sums of money from champions league is redefining each league making competition more uneven and unfair each season, won't happen but the wealth needs redistributed. 

  5. I had loads of programmes, probably about 20 odd years worth, mainly away ones plus every fanzine and in a moment of madness threw them all out, wish I'd kept or donated them now. Also had a pile of tops from the late 70s onwards that were at my parents home for years, went round for a visit one day and all my old clothes including tops had been thrown out, one was a player's top thrown into the crowd, I was almost in tears that day!

    2 hours ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

    Fellow forum contributors. Something to consider !

    These fanzines were brilliant and an alternative to the bland offerings in the official programme offered on matchdays.

    I had a collection of programmes and fanzines from every match I attended from the late 60's onward. Falkirk other teams games I went to in Scotland and England plus internationals.

    They were a good reference tool and brought back memories of the games I watched and with who.

    I made a decision that I would donate my collection to ' Footballing Memories ' This charity is involved in helping people suffering from Alzheimar's disease.

    When I contacted the organisation to make my donation. I had a humbling conversation with one of the charity organisers. Who informed my that literature like that can flick the switch on a human being for a short while. They know who the are - they know their family - they can recollect the game, who they went with and the pub they went for a pint after the game. For a short while somebody is dragged back for what must be a frightening and confusing place. They come back and are normal, then sadly the switch is turned off. But for that short while ! Loved ones take great comfort when that happens and means so much to them. The charity have a website where you can tell a memorable story. These in turn are read to the patients and makes a difference.

    So if you have a programme collection gathering dust that you have not looked at or only pick one up now and again. Consider donating them to this worthy cause.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.


  6. Need the rules on games being shown live changed to allow us to watch closed doors games but wasn't this ruled out the other day by scot gov as they reckon showing behind closed doors games would encourage people to watch games in groups. I'd buy ffc tv to watch live games until we're allowed back into the stadium. 

  7. It's always the wee teams who lose out when reconstruction is proposed but brechin, stenny etc can survive, they aren't looking to get to the top league and compete with a Aberdeen, hibs, hearts, Celtic and rangers so won't struggle the way teams with some ambition have, us, dunfermline, partick etc. Why not leave them and the pyramid alone to get on the way they always have, playing an important part in each community. As for a top league, 14 teams with basically st johnstone, livy and dunfermline while amalgamating ayr/killie etc is (sorry to say) just daft. Plus ignoring the main positive of having city teams, Edinburgh could compete with glasgow, scrap the old firm and you get the boost of ending the sectarian crap right throughout scotland and every town and city in scotland would have loads of ex old firm fans to boost the support of their new local teams (not sure if this really would be good or not considering the old firm supporters) so start at the top with amalgamation and work down not up! 

  8. I don't think 1 or 2 should go up as it has to be fair, screwing over airdrie or east fife isn't right, just as raith going up wouldn't be fair. I'd say again look at the bigger picture, millions for Celtic and Rangers in prize money, share it out more equally. In Europe we have leagues being dominated by clubs as the European prize money gives them an advantage, we need to spread the wealth out or all leagues will end up uncompetitive for the benefit of a small number of clubs. It can't be right saying it's not fair if raith go up and we don't and then not look at everything else that is unfair and for the benefit of a few elite clubs. 

  9. The last few pages show what's wrong, not just with Scottish football but English and European as well (you could say society but I'm not that philosophical) look at the prize money split, look at how the European money helps the biggest clubs and look at this vote with teams like livy (unsurprisingly) no-one is voting for the good of the game, no-one is voting for what's the best long term solutions, it's all short term, greed and self interest first. 

  10. If anyone is not working and runs out of food, please don’t go to sleep with an empty stomach. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to send me a private message, I will be more than happy to share a meal with you.

    Always do for others what you would like others to do for you. So much to learn during this time and so much love to give.


    We are here if needed ❤


    More look at me crap, instead of giving food how about tips on how to budget properly on universal credit, after all just a few months ago and all those lazy scroungers claiming it were doing nothing but making a fortune and away on all those foreign holidays  that hard workers could afford...


    (To be fair the guy I copied this off probably would give food out, he's just the first one I remembered posting it)

  11. Some amount of our fans saying we deserve to stay down because we got beat by clyde and aren't humping wee teams by 3 or 4 every week. Hopefully at some point in the future when we're back in the top flight these fans will be happy enough to see us pumped by 3 or 4 every game we play rangers, celtic, hibs, hearts, aberdeen, the dundee teams as they're bigger teams with a bigger budget. We really do have some roasters in our support. 

    I can't see how any team could vote for the offer, how can you treat one league differently from the rest? The pandering to ranger/celtic is the worst aspect of this whole thing, shows what Doncaster and the rest really think about Scottish football.

  12. Absolute disgrace, quite happy to decide on ourselves, airdrie, ICT, partick etc but no decision on top league, don't want to upset rangers or celtic unless we can blame UEFA. Shows exactly why scottish football is the way it is. Don't think it'll get through but the special treatment for top league is shocking but not surprising. 

  13. Was coming on here to say about Janey Godley, she's being posted all over Facebook with clips of her doing a voice over nicola sturgeon and the cmo, friends are sharing this "hilarious" "so funny" clip. It's terrible and worse just a badly done, unoriginal rip off of Michael Spicer who has been doing the guy next door on twitter and is actually pretty good. 

  14. Mutch definitely, miller wouldn't as you have him a few years younger already playing, gomis maybe, McManus or baird would be close. The thing from watching today's game that got me was Austin, seen him start a few games in the reserves and he looked like the next big thing but he not only never kicked on, he seemed to go backwards. 

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