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Everything posted by hearthammer

  1. The Office, Extras and After Life are 3 excellent sitcoms by Gervais. Gavin and Stacey is a brilliant one as well. I used to enjoy Little Britain but it hasn't aged as well. Miranda Hart just isn't funny in any sense. As I said, each to their own. I refuse to give airtime to those i consider just not funny at all. You obviously enjoy Gervais/Corden. I also never found Monty Python funny because to me it was utter tom kite and not funny in the slightest. Others will testify that it was the funniest thing on TV they'd seen. C'est la vie.
  2. Finally bought bird feeders for my back garden. One is a seed cage thing that accommodates the wee fellaes only - job done. The second is an open cage thing for the wee fatball spheres - sparrows and robins and tits getting their share, but the magpies and hooded crows (?) seem to be chasing them off now and again. So glad i also bought the blowpipe (found on DundeEbay) to dissuade the uninvited bigger f*ckers. Tomorrow i enjoy the hedge sparrows and robins feasting sans greedy bassas.
  3. Refuse to watch Gervais in any format - "comedy" or "celebrity". Gets no airtime chez moi, although he's not alone. David Walliams, Miranda Hart, James Corden, Graham Norton, et al require a change of channel should they appear on screen inadvertently. Each to their own, but the above, and some more, are neither funny, comedic or worthy of airtime. My opinion only.
  4. Bummer, but at least the one you've got left will come in handy - depending what you use it for, of course
  5. Like everything that goes on in this "partnership of 4 equal nations", every major decision will be based on how london is faring and progressing with this covid-19 situation. I'm not confident Scotland will make any move re easing the lockdown, re-opening businesses, schools, etc, independently of the cabal dann sarff, notwithstanding our predicament and population spread merits being dealt with based on what's actually happening up here. Post covid will see some extremely harsh criticism being correctly aimed at the war cabinet in londonshire and Edinburgh, particularly with regard to the PPE scandal if the number of NHS staff dying continues at the rates of late.
  6. Dixie Chicks - There's Your Trouble
  7. Dire Straits - Money For Nothing
  8. The Wombles - Remember You're A Womble
  9. It's all about moving in wee steps to extend and expand your own progress in dealing with the different major incidents that are permanently with you. It's not about "strong" and "weak" in these circumstances, but looking after yourself whilst you deal with the past. The very fact you opened up on here suggests you're making progress - albeit perhaps slowly. All at your own pace, mate. Things reach their various stages literally like that, in stages, so try and be positive about yourself first, then the rest of the world and its happenings will fit into their rightful place in your life. Only offering an opinion from an old(er) man.
  10. Picasso'd after your chicken supreme was left unattended ??
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