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Everything posted by sjc

  1. ^^^This. I'd recommend a bottle of drambuie and a bottle of bells whisky for making a few "rusty nails" after the beer is done. Make sure you have plenty ice in too. Good man.
  2. Surely to f**k they'll bring at least a bottle of wine with them?!
  3. Ossie Ardiles wore the number 1 in the 1978 World Cup. Great goalkeeper.
  4. Don't disagree with any of that. If there's no risk to native species then there should be no cull. I'd say this needs to be monitored long term though. That said, this should be done with ALL species of wildlife to maintain a healthy balance, native or otherwise.
  5. There's different forms to the term "invasive". They could be taking over habitat or food sources detrimental to the native species. Agree it seems harsh to cull them but you only need to look at the irreversible damage done in Australia where foxes were introduced.
  6. Cheers. Will give that a try, if I can find some.......
  7. To be fair to her, she's a far bigger critic of her cooking than I could ever be. It was too sweet for her but was just right bar the biscuit base for me. Last nights stir fry however was fucking atrocious.
  8. 84 & 90 were good years for Scotland. 70s not so much.....
  9. I'd like to see Chick Young given a proper send off by Sportsound to be honest. I'm thinking something similar to "helicopter Sunday"..........perhaps "pick up Wednesday" where he's tied to the back of a Ford Ranger and dragged round all 42 league grounds before being dumped outside Ibrox.
  10. It's no wonder you w**k yourself into oblivion every night mate. You hold on tight buddy (not a Euph.)
  11. You've been hanging about with the P&B gang too long Throbber. They're a bad influence......
  12. That's cos you're spoiled in the UK with so many different flavours.
  13. For a sensitive wee soul, you don't half dish it out Throbber.
  14. Was expecting a few more (spread) eagle pics to be honest......
  15. Hadn't power of attorney been passed to his family by then? Not disagreeing with your point. They were a bigger basket case than Sevco!
  16. Its all been reconnected in a completely different way to allow my digestive system to function. Thanks. Appreciated.
  17. High risk of spontaneous human combustion I'd say!
  18. Back in late August I had a follow up scan after my acute pancreatitis attack in May. Unfortunately the scan showed I had a small tumour in the head of my pancreas and the scraping test results indicated it to be cancerous. Less than 2 weeks later I was put under the knife to undergo what's called the "whipple procedure" where they remove part of your stomach, pancreas, intestines and all of your bile duct. Thankfully the operation went well and I was discharged from hospital after 2 weeks, albeit 20kg lighter. I've been given a tablet form of chemotherapy which I can take at home in 4 weeks on/2 weeks off cycles. I'm coming to the end of the first 4 weeks and the only side effect I'm suffering from so far is a bit of nausea. Sorry if I've brought the mood down but just wanted to get it off my chest. It's good to talk and all that!
  19. Why should Rangers* have the quality to win the league? Celtic have more than 3 times their turnover and more importantly, run in a financially prudent manner.
  20. novel way to strip weight I suppose.....
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