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Everything posted by sjc

  1. The American Government is trying to. Abe has been trying to push for a reformed Military through the Japanese Parliament for a while now. The Japanese public aren't happy about this. I certainly think an attack on South Korea would be much more likely if the Americans reneged on their agreement to act as a protectorate.
  2. A scummier bunch you couldn't meet. Crucial to Scottish football in the 21st century though (according to Regan/Dongcaster/et al)..........
  3. There might be a few more VLs about here if that's the case.....
  4. I wasn't slagging off Canelo as I like him as a boxer. I just don't think he was busy enough. Your point about GGG not landing much himself is why I stated I wanted him to mix his shots up more i.e body shots and uppercuts. I agree Canelo showed great defensive skills but that should't be enough to win the fight imo.
  5. Cool. Nice looking ground. What's the capacity and what was the attendance?
  6. Just watched the full fight, thought GGG had it by 2 or 3 rounds like most on here. Would liked to have seen him mix his shots up more as a means to opening Canelo's defence up. Will Canelo fight a different way in the rematch? Can't see him getting that lucky on the cards again.
  7. The judge didn't just get the fighters mixed up like that fight a while back?
  8. You'd think that the BBC would do a live stream of this fight considering they did one for Mayweather v McGregor........makes no sense that one.
  9. I had my bike stolen last week. Don't let anyone tell you crime doesn't exist here. Sneaky b*****d!
  10. Pleased to say the full body CT Scan came back all clear with no relapse or metastases. Blood test showed all markers were all heading back to normal but will need to be monitored every 2 weeks until within the ranges. Next CT Scan in December. Just want to thank everyone for all your kind messages of support. They've all been appreciated and given an enormous source of comfort throughout. Long way to go but Gambatte! sjc xxx
  11. Even the fucking greyhounds would refuse to run there nowadays.....
  12. Sakura got discharged from hospital today after 10 months of chemotherapy (not to mention the 9 days of radiology). Her bloods bounced back enough for her to have her full body CT Scan yesterday. (Get the results on Monday) She has to go back for a blood test on Monday and we'll be briefed by the Pediatrician on any outpatient treatment and future scans (there's going to be lots for the next 5-10years). I broke down in tears for the first time today after trying to be strong for my wife and daughter throughout the treatment (even though I gained a lot of strength from seeing just how brave and strong they are). I think the enormity of it all hit me at once when the entire medical team came out to see us off. As I've said from the outset, one step at a time with many, many more to come but a significant step taken.
  13. Dundee should always have a Sampdoria-esque strip in my opinion. Looks great.
  14. Beg your pardon. Initially came up as Molineux but further research proves it is the Valley. Sorry
  15. Don't worry, Regan will square @Div up later in the hot tub.....
  16. Is that Glamorgan Cricket ground?
  17. Exactly. China has half a billion people living in feudalism.
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