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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Budge chirping on about sporting integrity when she was happy to turn a blind eye and tell everyone to move on that wanted assurances that imperfect registrations couldn't happen again, let alone be investigated. Save your money folks, it's only a holding company.
  2. Glad to hear you're well. I'm ok thanks. Am classed as high risk given I'm mid cycle of chemotherapy but then again, I've been high risk all winter with regard to the flu. The scaremongering and hysteria over this has been mind-blowing!
  3. You should be used to being in isolation on here, Kincy. How are you holding up?
  4. You should get your ashes scattered on her private beach. Good chance you'll get into her knickers that way....
  5. Why bother? Clubs can't die. We have precedent for this. Full history and achievements can be bought or transferred to the new holding company. Save your money folks.
  6. That might not be such a bad idea if we end up in a Police State under Martial Law.....
  7. You'd have thought a pandemic would have decimated the most heavily populated region on the planet, given that it's also home to some of the most poverty stricken people too.
  8. As opposed to 80%+ of Saudi Arabia's, not to mention the $ being tied to its value...... It's a political game imo. They'll turn the taps off once they've made their point I suspect.
  9. Only about a third of the Russian economy is in oil apparently. It will certainly hit the American shale oil economy which is heavily indebted and barely breaks even at the best of times.
  10. There was a very good grocers in Blairgowrie, produce direct from the local farms. A bit far from you in Letham though.....
  11. What's happened to Martin? His fruit and veg used to be alright.
  12. Isn't Martin's fruit bizarre still on South Methven St?
  13. Probably John (60s) or James (30s) from Scottish Canals. Good guys. God help your dog after drinking that water btw!
  14. Is that box from the titles of tales of the unexpected?
  15. Cooking them slowly on a low heat is the key imo.
  16. That was my point. With you now. Although as we're already seeing, organisations like WHO, the IMF and World Bank are keen to use the situation to benefit the globalists.
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