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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Currently watching Speilbergs first movie, Duel....Still a good watch.
  2. Hope you're alright mate. Can understand your boss' concerns after the Glasgow bin lorry crash.......that doesn't make it easier for you nevertheless. Hopefully you'll be back behind the wheel soon and infuriating everyone staying at home all day waiting for their delivery! ;)
  3. I've got my daughter all day on my own for the 1st time today......wish me luck!
  4. What's the craic with your work Keith? Great pic btw
  5. I'd just open my box right at the start and sit back with a smug grin to watch Noel try fill 30mins of airtime there after!
  6. She should be questioning her own inadequacies if her kid still prefers Daddy after all she's done in comparison.
  7. There's plenty of reasons to dislike that wee c**t!
  8. People have actually posted shite like this? Seriously?
  9. I noticed this when I worked on the Borders Rail Project and had to travel down to Fountainhall. Combined with the dark, cold, wet winter weather, our roadsweepers taking the white lining off the roads (yet leaving the mud on) and the lunatic drivers, I was in genuine fear for my life driving home some nights!
  10. Haven't heard this before, is it in employment law? I know Network Rail are supposed to enforce a 12hour break between shifts.
  11. I was giving Dazzle the benefit of the doubt to be honest.....
  12. Both great wines. Have you tried Cloudy Bay? (can't remember if it's a Marlborough wine though!)
  13. Haha....mine loves to look at my phone screen with me!
  14. Even though the first 6 months have flown by I can't imagine life without her!
  15. Perth needs someone like you to switch the Christmas lights on......
  16. ^^^what he said. absolutely magnificent wine.
  17. Jim Watt could learn a thing or two from his commentary.
  18. and this after being brought a cup of tea and a chocolate bar.......
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