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Everything posted by sjc

  1. 5th of March would do me! I'm only after an MOT but they insist that you can't make appointments in advance and that you phone on the day.........can see why people like myself that are generally in good health don't fcuking bother!
  2. Trying to make an appointment with my GP..........fcuking hell!
  3. ahh right! That must be where I've been going wrong all these years.....
  4. nah mate, my heart wasn't really in it the last time and I'm not the type that can feign interest these days. I'm off to Malta next week for my birthday so that will cheer me up
  5. Future Sound of London - Papua New Guinea! Tune
  6. Start by growing some baw hair then work your way up fellas!
  7. You ruthless barsteward Keithgy......we all really should fear for our safety when you're out swinging that banhammer of yours!
  8. Fcuk sake Keithgy.......I thought you Mods were supposed to remain impartial?!
  9. Yeh like anyone would touch them after BigFatTubbyDave's shagged them?!
  10. I've actually grown a beard for the first time in about 6years thanks to Eugene
  11. Eugene, Just sent you a PM asking you two names to verify you as legit....
  12. I didn't think there was such a thing as an ugly Dumbarton fan as all the ones I've met on my two trips to the Rock this season have been beautiful people inside & out. I'm really gonna miss them if/when Hearts get promoted.
  13. Was invited round to a friends tonight where I found my ex gf & her two girls...... After a year & a half it was great to see the girls again but felt like shit walking home
  14. Tamwar couldn't crack a smile never mind someones skull!
  15. You know I still love you though Miley xxx
  16. sorry I must have got confused where Hearts had to apply for Membership again.....mind the the gap though boys
  17. Just wait til you hear about "whompercnut"!
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