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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Don't worry Miley.....it was a joke. I never had you down as such a sensitive bunny.......you learn something new every day eh?!
  2. Edinburgh is like a fine wine in that it's been lovingly made of many years yet retained such delicate taste. Wasted on a lager swilling lout like yourself Miley!
  3. Shabnam is a beautiful woman......you can tell even with her headscarf on. Absolute headfcuk of a character though!
  4. Quite fancy seeing this. I don't mind a slow movie as long as it gives the impression it's going somewhere as opposed to padding the film out. Recommended then?
  5. Yeh.....I kind of think it'll be a "cult" hit with the pretenious arthouse types. For me it was slow, incoherent and the script was cliche riddled pish.....each to their own but given that at least a dozen people walked out well before the end I don't think I'll be the only critic of this film.
  6. Inherent Vice. Kind of reminded me of a cross between Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas and The Usual Suspects but fcuking terrible. It was that bad there were people walking out the cinema throughout! Might be one of those films that's better on the 2nd viewing......if anyones brave enough to attempt that. 2/10
  7. Carrick to score the winner and ruin Doyle's birthday weekend!
  8. Does anyone know if Mark Holt ever get hold of Nadir? He was raging at him apparently!
  9. I didn't realise that......but given that neither Bobby Skidmarks (presumably) nor I are involved it's bound to be shit.
  10. Love this "whompercunt" term.....P&B should be proud of that one. STV Glasgow & Edinburgh should be fcuking ashamed of themselves however.
  11. He's grumping at the labourers this morning cos one of them has written "English c**t" in the snow on his windscreen!
  12. Came into work this morning to find my colleague had written the word "c**t" on every single sheet of the post it notes on my desk! I suspect he was bored whilst supervising last nights crane lift!
  13. Rangers blocked by court action from giving Ashley security over Ibrox By Matt Coyle 28 January 2015 14:40 GMT 209 99 Ibrox: Legal action by Rangers fans blocked Mike Ashley taking security out over Ibrox.© SNS Group A legal action has blocked the Rangers board from handing Mike Ashley security over Ibrox stadium. The Rangers Supporters Trust (RST) sought legal advice over the issue and submitted a court petition blocking the move for three weeks. A petition submitted to the Court of Session in Edinburgh on Monday for an interim interdict stops the Rangers board granting security over their stadium until February 17. Talks between the supporter group's lawyers and the Rangers board resulted in them agreeing not to offer up Ibrox as security for a temporary period. However, a statement from the RST said they are "disappointed" the block could not be extended and accused the board of "corporate piracy". The legal move explains why Ashley's £10m loan this week was secured against Murray Park, Edmiston House and the club's badges, but not Ibrox Ashley's loan to the club this week will be split into two £5m tranches with the first available immediately to the club for urgent working capital. The deal does not include security over Ibrox stadium, however Ashley's Sports Direct firm holds a floating charge, strangling more revenue streams by getting shirt sponsorship revenues. He also now holds security over Rangers' Murray Park training ground, Edmiston House and the club's trademarks. Ashley is also now able to appoint two directors to the board for the duration of the loan facility, tightening the Newcastle owner's grip on the club. Another part of the deal states that Sports Direct would benefit from the majority of shirt sponsorship deals from the 2017/18 season until the loan is repaid. Rangers will also now transfer 26% of its shares in Rangers Retail Ltd for the duration of loan deal. The statement said: "Following detailed legal advice, the Rangers Supporters Trust (RST), with the financial backing of the Rangers Fans Fighting Fund (RFFF), submitted a petition to the Court of Session in Edinburgh on Monday January 26, seeking an interim interdict to stop the Rangers board from granting security over Ibrox in favour of Sports Direct. "Discussions between our lawyers and the board’s lawyers continued over the past three days. The conclusion of these discussions was the that board has agreed not to grant security over Ibrox for a period up until the February 17 covered by the advance notice they submitted. "We are disappointed that we were not able to secure the extension of this commitment until the date of the upcoming EGM, as this now leaves a short period of time in which the board could grant security over Ibrox before they are hopefully removed. "This is particularly concerning given the announcement yesterday that a further period of due diligence is required for the second £5m tranche of debt that the board has decided to saddle the club with. "We believe our actions had a material impact in stopping the board from granting security over Ibrox. The revised deal with Sports Direct was agreed late on Monday night according to Paul Shackleton, the club’s AIM nomad. "This was immediately following the petition submitted to the court, the announcement of which delayed what would have been a necessary interdict hearing in the Court of Session on Tuesday. "We do not believe that the filing of a notice of intention to grant security over Ibrox was an error and we believe that a fixed security over Ibrox would most likely have been granted to Sports Direct had it not been challenged. "We would like to register our disappointment that it was necessary to take legal action to hold this board to their public promises to shareholders and fans. "Whilst we are pleased that the immediate danger posed to Ibrox has been averted, we share the anger of other fans at the latest act of corporate piracy perpetrated by the current Rangers directors. "By accepting this deal with Sports Direct, they have plunged our club into an unnecessary level of debt and, by pawning off further revenue streams including shirt sponsorship, have limited our ability to repay that debt. "They have done this in their own interests and those of Mike Ashley. David Somers, Derek Llambias, James Easdale and Barry Leach have, in our opinion, neglected their duties to the PLC they are meant to represent. "Our fans have one chance to remove these directors before they cause even more damage. We urge them to sign up at www.therst.co.uk/buyrangers and ensure that this board is removed at the upcoming EGM and replaced with directors who put Rangers Football Club above their own personal positions and the financial betterment of their masters. "We will continue to liaise with our lawyers, the RFFF and other major shareholders regarding the actions of the Easdale brothers, David Somers, Derek Llambias and Barry Leach. "We look forward to a forensic examination of their conduct following the EGM. We would like to thank the RFFF for their continued support, without which it would have been very difficult to challenge the actions of this discredited board."
  14. No, she's a proper Doctor......she's currently dealing with the refugee from the 80+ that arrived recently on the usland that they think has ebola!
  15. I've never been either mate. I'm meeting a friend of mine that works as a Doctor on the island so am relying on her to show me a good time......so to speak!
  16. Haha! I fly back on the 2nd of March! I'll leave a "present" under the pillow for you!
  17. Even their bigger Scottish namesakes are our bitches!
  18. I'm staying in Sliema.....but will be traveling around a bit Gozo as well
  19. I'm begining to know how Miley feels about being called Magee all the time!
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