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Everything posted by sjc

  1. It's hardly Jessica Alba's cum stained (hers) panties from a brief chance meeting you had FFS!
  2. Booked a week in a Tuscan villa for August.....intend to take a wee trip up to the Opera at Verona too
  3. Watch your back round here man, it's a dangerous place. Trust nobody!
  4. You be careful out there Champ.....it's a jungle out there.
  5. This must be new medical research! Who'd have thought good ole Larsson could cure depression!
  6. I thought that only worked if you watched them from the Lisbon Lions Stand?
  7. Pray tell. Where are you from and how did you guess I'm from Junkieville?
  8. perhaps you'll give your ticket for this weekends game to some deprived young lad on your street?
  9. I was going ask if he could fix my IT system.......
  10. By the same token I support Spain super Club Real Madrid but can't attend games due to "work commitments" I only wish I was a real fan like you
  11. Ok Tedi.....ignore whatever you will. Answer me this though: why are you so trusting of King or the 3 bears? Is it just because they're not MA?
  12. That's to MA......They owed the bank that previously.Rangers (& Celtic for that matter) fans need to realise that gone are the days of buying ready made star players. Even Celtic's recent transfer policy of buying young foreign players with potential has changed as even that market is saturated by better paying smaller Clubs from bigger leagues. Probably also worth bearing in mind that when playing youngster that come through the ranks that you as fans (and the Clubs management) need to be patient as they won't be the finished article and need to play to develop. Unless of course King et al are promising the land of milk and honey again then crack on....
  13. No...but he did turn Newcastle from running at a loss to being run within their means.
  14. Why is it Rangers fans seem to favour King &/or the "3 bears" so much? Have they actually outlined how they'd run the Club financially if they got control? King mentioned £50m but wasn't to be raised via the fans?
  15. So do you actually go to games or are you one of the "stay awayers"?
  16. Oh the pain! : Fingers crossed you'll find out if Aberdeen or whoever pip your expensively assembled duds to the title
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