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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Looked sad you say ? Poor guy ! I'd have offered to give him a lift...........to the Erskine Bridge
  2. you don't think they were just practicing or trying to drum up a bit of interest for tomorrows Air Show near North Berwick ?
  3. Does the name change mean that the gates will be getting weighed in for scrap ?
  4. The Big Hoose guy will not have been raging like this since his invalidity benefits got cut..........
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/scottish-third-division/table Not a continuation Club according to the BBC
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/scottish-premier/table BBC no longer in denial
  7. I thought the SPL didn't have a leg to stand on legally regarding the TV rights claim ?
  8. a year on and Craig Whyte is referred to in a completely different light !
  9. Thanks....I could pretend I was being ironic in light of her apparent disappearance for a cheap dig back at DG......but that would be a blatant lie.
  10. Brazil should stick to berating Ronnie Irani and ripping the piss out of The Moose.................oh and tell the listeners stories of trying to drive a milk float from Cheltenham to London !
  11. Careful........you'll be writing for the Daily Record with statements like that !
  12. Someday when all this is over and my as yet to be conceived first child has been born, grown up, educated, working and conceived their own child........maybe we could get back to watching football ?!
  13. I'm hopeful that Bomber & Leggo will burn Ibrox down in a drunken "scorched earth" tactic.........
  14. does anyone think that in years to come we'll all be talking about Rangers in the same context as Queens Park ?! You know, they used to win lots of trophies and play in front of big crowds but all that's left is a Club floundering in the lower reaches of the league in front of a few hundred people rattling around inside a big stadium !
  15. I love how the Daily Record completely glosses over "Sir" David Murray's tenure........after all he was the bastion of fair play and business ethics ! Also, if Craig Whyte is a "spiv" what does that make the Records, Keith Jackson ?!
  16. so just to be clear.......end of business on friday is the deadline to end all deadlines ?
  17. when it comes to Traynor I'd be looking for a shotgun never mind consistency.
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